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Enum CropMode


Defines how images are cropped when resized

public enum CropMode


Center = 0

Centers the cropping around the center of the image

CenterOrFocal = 7

Centers the cropping around the center of the image or the specified focal point specified in FocalPointX and FocalPointY

Fit = 6

The image is not cropped but resized to fit inside the box specified with the width and height paramteres stretching the original image to fit

KeepAspectRatio = 5

The image is not cropped but resized to fit inside the box specified with the width and height paramteres respecting the original image aspect ratio

LowerLeft = 1

Crops the image including as much as posssible from lower left corner of the image

LowerRight = 4

Crops the image including as much as posssible from lower right corner of the image

UpperLeft = 2

Crops the image including as much as posssible from upper left corner of the image

UpperRight = 3

Crops the image including as much as posssible from upper right corner of the image

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