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View and manage subscription orders in DynamicWeb 10

A subscription is an order which is placed at predefined intervals, e.g. weekly or monthly. In DynamicWeb, each subscription order is based on a base order - a sort of template from which each subscription order is generated.

The Subscriptions-node contains a list of all such base orders on a solution: SubscriptionOrders As base orders are not orders in and by themselves, they will not appear in the order list - only in this list. Orders based on a subscription base order are marked with an adornment in the Orders-list.

In the subscriptions list you can see basic properties for each base order:

  • ID
  • Creation date
  • Customer
  • Channel
  • Price with VAT
  • Payment Method
  • Capture state
  • Delivery method
  • Recurring state

Base orders are created from frontend by submitting an order to cart with additional parameters - read more here.

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