Table of Contents


Handle user-related tasks like profile creation, login, address management and more

The Extranet app is a paragraph app which handles various user account related tasks, allowing visitors to:

  • Create profile / Manage subscription
  • Log in
  • View and edit their profile
  • Manage addresses
  • Browse lists of users and/or user groups

In frontend, the Extranet app allows users to create an account:


When the user has created their account, the Extranet app can specify the approval process (if any) and facilitate the setup of user confirmation e-mails, user notification e-mails and...


...the administrator notification e-mails.


The Extranet app has a set of features allowing the users to manage their account, such as logging in...


...change their password...


...and various other related features, like specifying the page users are relocated to once they've logged in and recovering and resetting their password.

Once logged in, the users can view their profile...


...edit their profile...


...and manage their addresses by viewing, updating or adding addresses...


Lastly, the Extranet app can be used to publish lists of users and/or user groups.

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