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Data Portability

Create data definitions to extract user-related data and render it in frontend

The Data Portability app is an app which allows you to do two things:

  • Create data definitions in the backend which contain configurations for extracting user-related data
  • Render those data definitions in frontend, and allow users to download the data

As can be inferred from this, the app consists of two parts:

  • A configurable app for creating data definitions
  • A paragraph app for rendering data definitions in frontend

In this document we will look at the configurable app.

Data Definitions and Data Groups

A data definition is, well, a definition of the data you want to make available for download. A data definition consists of one or more data groups, which in turn contain data item types.

Displayed is a data definition called Default with the data groups User, Content and Ecommerce, and User contains four data item types:

Data Portability 1

All of this is a fairly complicated way of saying that you use providers to extract data about a user and their activity, and that you can group the data together when it makes sense.

To create a data definition:

  1. Go to Settings, and from the node GDPR choose Data Portability
  2. Click the '+'-icon when hovering over the Data Definitions node
  3. Enter a Name and click Save and close

A data definition can contain of as many data groups as necessary – each data group can be viewed as a rough grouping of related data, e.g. content data such as comments and form submits.

To create a data group:

  1. Click the '+'-icon when hovering over a created Data Definition e.g. Default (not the node called Data definitions)
  2. Enter a Name and click Save and close

Data Portability 2

The data grouped in the data group is retrieved by data item types.

Data Item Types

A data item type is a configuration which uses a provider to extract data associated with the user from the solution.

To create a data item type:

  1. Click on the data group
  2. Click New Data item type on the dashboard
  3. Provide a Name and choose a Provider
  4. Click Save and close

Data Portability 3

DW10 ships with a set of data providers which can extract various types of data related to a user:

Provider Data extracted
CommentDataProvider Comments on pages, products, etc. which have been added to the Comment table in the database
FavoriteListDataProvider Favorite lists
FormSubmitDataProvider Form data submitted using the Forms for Editors app
OrderDataProvider Orders & Carts with their order lines
PaymentCardDataProvider Saved credit card information
SQLDataProvider See below
UserAddressDataProvider Secondary addresses associated with the user
UserDataProvider Standard user fields
UserExternalLoginDataProvider External login data, e.g. Facebook login associated with the user

Should the preconfigured providers not be adequate, you can use the SQLDataProvider to extract data from other parts of the system.

This provider, unlike the others, must be configured:

  1. Select a database table to extract data from
  2. Select one or more columns to include in the download - if nothing is selected, all columns will be included
  3. Select the column name containing the UserId to extract data based on
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