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Order discounts

The order discount settings control advanced behaviour related to discounts: DiscountPrices_01 The following settings are available:

Setting Use Notes
Choose discount behaviour Controls how discounts are applied Choose between Aggregated (allows discounts to stack, default behaviour), Highest (forces the system to apply the highest value discount) or Lowest (forces the system to apply the lowest value discount)
Apply discount before taxes Forces the system to apply discounts based on prices before taxes
Round orderline discounts per quantity Forces discount calculations to use rounded numbers E.g. 5 * 20% of 8.99$ is rounded to 1.8$ per item, totaling 9$, instead of the exact 1.798$ per item, which would total 8.99$
Add orderline discounts per quantity Lists each product discount as a separate order line E.g. ordering 5 items at $8.99 each with a 20% discount adds 5 separate $1.8 discounts, rather than a single $9 discount
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