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Order flows

Guide an order through the fulfilment process

An order flow is a set of states through which an order can progress, e.g. New, Picked, Goods dispatched, Payment captured and Completed - before it is fulfiled. As such, it is an important tool if you use DynamicWeb 10 as an order management system.

The Order Flows node is where you create and manage order flows - you can create multiple flows if necessary, e.g. for omnichannel setups where the fulfilment process is different for each point of origin. OrderFlowsList

To create a new order flow:

  1. Click New Flow
  2. Provide a Name and optionally a Description
  3. If relevant, check Use as default flow
  4. Save

Order states

Each order flow consists of a set of order states corresponding to a milestone in the order fulfillment process - here listed for the Default order flow. OrderFlow To create an order state:

  1. Click View Order states
  2. Click New state
  3. Configure the state
  4. Save

When you create an order state you define two things:

  • Basic state settings like a name and a colour
  • Notification email settings for notifying someone when an order enters a state

Here are the settings:

Section Setting Use
Settings Name Set the state name, e.g. New
Description Set a description (backend only)
Color Set a state color
Default Set this state as the default state for new orders
Notifications Subject Set the subject of the email triggered when the order enters this state
Email template Select an email template
Sender name Specify the sender name of the triggered email
Sender email Specify the sender email of the triggered email
Send to billing email Send the email to the billing address email
Send to shipping email Send the email to the shipping address email
Send to order field email Send the email to an address specified in a custom order field. If selected you must also select a custom order field which should contain an email address
Order field for email Select the custom order field containing the email
Send to others Manually add email addresses that should be notified. Typically used to contact people inside the organization when the specific state is activated
Others email template Select an email template to use for the 'Other' emails
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