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Quote Flows

Guide quotes through the quotation process

Quote flows are flows which guide incoming quotes through a series of quote states before they are converted to an order or rejected by the customer.

Quote flows can be found under Settings > Areas > Commerce > Order Management > Quote flows: QuoteFlows1 To create a new quote flow:

  1. Click New flow
  2. Provide a Name and optionally a Description
  3. If relevant, check Use as default
  4. Save

Quote states

Quote flows consist of a series of quote states, which correspond to a milestone in a quote evaluation process: QuoteStatesList To create a quote state:

  1. Click View quote states
  2. Click New state
  3. Configure the state
  4. Save

When you create a quote state you define three things:

  • Basic state details like a name and whether or not an order can be created from this state
  • Notification emails
  • State rules - which states the quote can move to from this state

The following settings are available:

Section Setting Use
Settings Name Set the state name, e.g. New
Description Set a description (backend only)
Color Set a state color
Default Set this state as the default state for new quotes
Allow order Allow this state to be converted to an order
Allow edit Allow the quote to be changed from frontend
Notifications Subject Set the subject of the email triggered when the quote enters this state
Email template Select an email template
Sender name Specify the sender name of the triggered email
Sender emails Specify the sender email of the triggered email
Send to billing email Send the email to the billing address email
Send to shipping email Send the email to the shipping address email
Send to order field email Send the email to an address specified in a custom order field. If selected you must also select a custom order field which should contain an email address
Order field for email Select the custom order field containing the email
State rules Quotes can move to this state from Specify which other states can lead to this state
Quotes can move from this state to Specify which other states the quote can move to from this state
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