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Custom field types are provider-based field types used to e.g. auto-convert from one unit to another across languages, or to calculate the value of a field based on other field.

To create a custom field type:

  1. Go to Field Types > Custom
  2. Click New field type
  3. Provide a name and a system name
  4. Select a field type provider and configure it
  5. Save

The following field type providers are available:

Field Type Provider Use Notes Example
Advanced XML Data Provider
Calculation Provider Calculating a number value based on other field values Use {FieldSystemName1} to define placeholders. Use [{FieldSystemName1} * 2 + {FieldSystemName2}] syntax to define calculated placeholders. Use Use Listbox content setting to specify if it should be the placeholders Name or Value being rendered The {ProductName} price with discount is [{ProductPrice} * 0.8]
Concat Provider Generating a text using values from other fields Use [{FieldSystemName1}] to define placeholders. Use Use Listbox content setting to specify if it should be the placeholders Name or Value being rendered [{ProductName}] is currently not in stock! It is expected back in stock [{ProductExpectedDelivery}]
Length Provider Specifying the preferred length unit per Commerce language from a predefined list of units
Temperature Provider Specifying a temperature unit – F, C og K – to use on each Commerce language
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