Table of Contents


The System field types are a set of standard field types for custom attributes - they are:

Field type Function
Text (5-255) Standard text field where you can type between 5 and 255 characters
Editor Inserts a WYSIWYG editor where you write a text using various text editing tools.
Long text Inserts a text box where you can type several thousand characters.
Checkbox Inserts a checkbox
Date Inserts a drop down where a date can be selected
Date/time Inserts a drop down where a date and time can be selected
Integer Inserts a field where integers can be entered
Decimal number Inserts a field where decimal numbers can be entered
Link Inserts a field where you can enter a link to another web page or a file in your File Manager
File Manager Inserts a field where you can select a file from your File Manager
List box Inserts a list of options that can be selected/deselected. List type & options must be defined.
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