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A dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of key data and statistics related to a particular solution. This data may encompass things like order data, the total number of visitors, or query counts from systems such as a Product Information Management (PIM) system or user management. The information is displayed on a workspace through interactive components known as widgets.

The functionality of a dashboard is manyfolded and useful for creating an instant overview. They can be customized to suit a specific work area or personal preference. You can e.g. use the dashboard with the counter widgets to show the number of warnings from events (1). Make use of the list widgets to render key data in a list format (2), or use graph widgets for a more visual formatting of your data (3).


The following DynamicWeb areas contain customizable dashboards:

  • Ecommerce
  • Marketing
  • Insights
  • Monitoring
  • Products

Each of these dashboards contain a default workspace with a preconfigured widget layout. If the layout is changed, the changes are saved to the user profile to ensure a consistent experience across sessions, allowing the dashboard to be tailored to the needs of that particular user.

Creating custom dashboards

It's also possible to create additional dashboards for each work area. These dashboards can also be customized with widgets to show the relevant information. Both the default dashboards and the additional dashboards can be reset to the default layout.


To create an additional dashboard under an area:

  1. Go to Settings > Administration > Dashboards and click on what area type you want to add a dashboard to
  2. Click New dashboard
  3. Give the dashboard a title, and if needed set as default and assign it to a user or user group
  4. Click Create, once created, the additional dashboard can be found under the selected area type


A widget is a small, interactive tool displayed on a dashboard that provides specific information or functionality. Think of it as a mini-app within a larger system, designed to give you a quick insight or perform a specific task without navigating away from the main view.

There are broadly three types of dashboard widgets.

  • Counters, which count something – naturally.
  • Lists, which can render key data in list format
  • Graphs, that render data in a bar, line, or pie format.

There are also Query widgets, which can function as all of the above. These widgets will require data from a configurable index query that you can make to suit your requirement.

Modify widgets

For each dashboard, you have the flexibility to add, edit, or remove widgets:

  1. Enter the Dashboard you wish to change

  2. From here you can choose to add, edit, or remove a widget

    • To add a widget, click Add Widget
    • To remove a widget, click the three dots and click Delete
    • To edit a widget, click the widget you wish to edit Dashboards_03
  3. When adding a widget, navigate through what area type of widget is preferred and select one or multiple Dashboards_04

Overview of preconfigured widgets

DynamicWeb ships with a number of preconfigured widgets for each type of dashboard, which can be added and used as is or with minimal configuration. Below are the lists of these widgets sorted by the area type.

The preconfigured widgets can be customized to a certain extent e.g. through color parameters on certain widgets that will change color based on various thresholds. This makes it possible to provide instant feedback on the state of KPI’s such as daily turnover, weekly visitors, etc.

If the default widgets are inadequate in some way, it’s easy to create custom widgets. You can open an existing widget and reconfigure it, or you can create new widgets from scratch. All widgets have a columns setting which can be used to change the width of the widget. The dashboard is 12 columns wide.

Dashboard widgets

Name Type Description Comments
Index count widget Count Show a count of indexed with a particular status Can be limited to a single repository. Can count indexes builds with status Error, Success or Warning.
Index list widget List Lists indexes with their current status Can be configured to include only indexes from a particular repository, and with a certain status (Error, Success, Warning)
The count of visits by day, the last 7 days Graph Show last week count of visits by day, the last 7 days
Latest visits Count Show the most recent visits to the frontend
The total visits in the solution Count Show a count of the total number of visits to the solution

Application widgets

Name Type Description Comments
Query counter widget Count Perform a scalar operation with result of a repository query Can be configurated as showing average, count or sum
Query facet widget Graph Display facets from a repository query
Query grid widget List Display rows from a repository query
Query list widget List Display pairs of title - hint fields from a repository query

Ecommerce widgets

Name Type Description Comments
Average order value per day Graph Show the average order value per day in EUR
Carts to orders conversion rate per day Graph Show the carts to orders conversion rate per day
Completed orders on channels Graph Show the completed orders on channels
Completed orders per day Graph Show the completed orders per day
Orders by day Graph Show the latest created orders in the solution per day of week
Summed orders Count Show sum of all orders in the solution
The total orders in the solution Count Show total orders in the solution
Latest created orders List Show the latest created orders in the solution
Total revenue on channels Graph
Total revenue per day Graph Show total revenue per day

Insights widgets

Name Type Description Comments
Customer report Graph Customer Report showing new and repeating customer over time Can be configured to compare to the previous period or year
Traffic report Graph Website traffic analytics report Can be configured to compare to the previous period or year
Events - graph Graph Show a graph of specific type of events by day in the solution
Events - count Count Show total events of a specific type in the solution
Events - list List Show total events of a specific type in the solution Use parameters to control the event level, category, and time period covered
SQL query counter Count SQL Query Counter
Scheduled tasks - count Count Show count of scheduled tasks in the solution
Scheduled tasks - list List Show list of scheduled tasks in the solution Can be configured to include only tasks of a certain type, tasks which failed, etc.
SQL query table Graph SQL Query Table

Marketing widgets

Name Type Description Comments
Total number of users with email allowed in the solution Count Show total number of users with email allowed in the solution

Products widgets

Name Type Description Comments
Total number of active products Count Show all active products in the solution
Last changed products List Show a list of the last changed products
Newly created products List Show a list of the newly created products
Number of sales Graph Show information about how many quantities of this specific product have been sold in the period
Number of visits Graph Show information about how many times this specific product has been visited
Product channels Graph Show all the Channels/Shops a specific product
Products in total Count Show Total products in the solution
Product latest changes Graph Show the latest changes (TOP 10), that has been made on the specific product
Product number of changes Count Show the total number of changes, that has been made on the specific product
Product referrers Graph Show information about how many visits have been done from specific referrers of this specific product in the period
Total number of published products Count Show all published products in the solution
Related products List Show a list of the related products a specific product
Relations to current product List Show a list of the products which have a relation to this specific product
Total number of unpublished products Count Show all unpublished products in the solution
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