Namespace Dynamicweb.Content.Items.Editors
- BoxedRadioEditor<T>
Represents a boxed radio list editor.
- ButtonData
Represents an item field Button data.
- ButtonEditor
Represents a button editor.
- CheckboxEditor
Represents a checkbox editor.
- CheckboxListEditor<T>
Represents a checkbox list editor.
- ColorEditor
Represents a simple color picker.
- ColorSwatchEditor
Represents a Color swatch editor.
- DateEditor
Represents a date editor.
- DateTimeEditor
Represents a date and time editor.
- DecimalEditor
Represents a decimal number editor.
- DropDownListEditor<T>
Represents a dropdown list editor.
- EditableListEditor
Represents an editable list editor.
- Editor
Represents an item field editor.
- EditorContext
Represents an editor context.
- EditorManager
Represents an editor manager. This class cannot be inherited.
- EditorRenderingContext
Represents an editor rendering context.
- ExtensionValidator
Represents a required value validator.
- FileEditor
Represents a file editor.
- FolderEditor
Represents a file editor.
- GeolocationEditor
Represents a geolocation editor.
- GoogleFont
Represents a Google font item.
- GoogleFontEditor
Represents a Google font editor.
- HiddenFieldEditor
Represents an editor that renders a hidden field.
- InputHTML5Editor
Represents a HTML 5 input editor.
- IntegerEditor
Represents a number editor.
- ItemLinkEditor
Represents a link to item editor.
- ItemLinkEditor.ItemReference
Represents an item reference. This class cannot be inherited.
- ItemRelationListEditor
Represents a Item relation list editor.
- ItemRelationListMaxValidator
Represents a max rows number validator.
- ItemRelationListMinValidator
Represents a min rows number validator.
- ItemTypeEditor
Represents a file editor.
- LinkEditor
The LinkEditor class is a specialized editor for handling links. It extends from the LinkEditorBase class.
- LinkEditorBase
Represents a link editor.
- ListEditor<T>
Represents a list editor.
- ListItem
Represents a list item.
- LongTextEditor
Represents a memo (long text) editor.
- MediaData
Represents an item field Media data.
- MediaEditor
Represents a media editor.
- NumberEditor
Represents a number editor.
- PasswordEditor
Represents a password editor.
- RadioButtonListEditor<T>
Represents a radio button list editor.
- RegExValidator
Represents a regular expression validator.
- RequiredValidator
Represents a required value validator.
- RichTextEditor
Represents a rich text editor.
- RichTextEditorLight
Represents a rich text editor.
- SingleUserEditor
Represents a User editor.
- SingleUserGroupEditor
Represents a User Group editor.
- StringEditor
Represents an editor that allows editing of strings.
- TextEditor
Represents a text editor.
- TimestampEditor
Represents a timestamp editor.
- UserGroupsEditor
Represents a multiple Users Groups editor.
- UsersEditor
Represents a multiple Users editor.
- Validator
Represents a validator.
- ValidatorCollection
Represents a collection of validator metadata.
- ValidatorContext
Represents a validator context.
- VisualSelectListEditor<T>
Represents a visual select list editor.
- IListTemplate
Microtemplating feature.
- EditButtonVisibility
Represents the edit color swatch button visibility.
- ListEditorMode
Represents a list editor mode.
- OptionLabelPosition
Represents a option label rendering.
- TextEditorMode
Represents a text editor mode.