Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Frontend
- Advanced
Paging Settings Provides settings for rendering of advanced paging tags.
- Country
View Model Represents a View
Model for country information, containing details about a specific currency used within Dynamicweb. This class includes properties for the country such as its codes, names, culture, and VAT rates.Base
- Currency
View Model Represents a View
Model for currency information, containing details about a specific currency used within Dynamicweb. This class includes properties for the currency symbol, name, exchange rate, code, and a an indicator for whether it is the default currency.Base
- Ecom
Page Load Notification Subscriber Represents the notification subscriber for page load.
- Ecom
Page OnOutput Subscriber Represents the notification subscriber for page on output.
- Ecom
Page Template Extender Represents the extender for the page template.
- Favorite
List List View Model FavoriteListListViewModel represents the rendering context used when a collection of favorite lists is rendered.
The model has most of its data from the Favorite
List (properties PageSize, PageCount, CurrentPage and TotalFavoriteListsCount. The FavoriteLists is a collection of favorite lists based related to the user.View Model Settings
- Favorite
List View Model FavoriteListViewModel represents the rendering context used when a favorite list is rendered.
The model contains information about the favorite list; id, name, description and information about the relation to its user (user id) and the products related to the favorite list
- Favorite
Product List View Model FavoriteListListViewModel represents the rendering context used when a collection of favorite lists is rendered.
The model is used to package all favorite products related to a favorite list and set the number items to be displayed per page.
- Favorite
Product View Model FavoriteProductViewModel represents the rendering context used when a favorite product is rendered.
The model has the most vital information about the product itself, the Id and variant id. Other than that there is a user note on that favorite product, quantity, sort order on the favorite list and a produc reference url
- Frontend
Represents the frontend functions.
- Image
Pattern Represents the image pattern.
- Order
Line View Model The order line viewmodel represents an orderline and its data. This class holds detailed information about the product, pricing, and other attributes related to an order line.
It contains historic data of the previous price, if changed, as well as properties handling lookup of discounts for the order line as well as relations to parent order line and its order.
If multiple of the properties with performance overhead are used on the order line list and many order lines are listed, a lot of data will be loaded and affect performance. Limit the use of the properties with performance overhead on lists or use the web-api to load additional information on demand when needed.
- Order
List View Model OrderListViewModel represents the rendering context used when a collection of orders is rendered.
The model is used to package orders related to a customer and set the number items to be displayed per page.
- Order
View Model Represents the context of an order when rendered on the frontend, containing all relevant order data. This includes everything from basic order details like order id, shop id, to customer and payment information.
- Page
View Global Tags Subscriber Represents the notification subscriber for PageView global tags.
- Payment
View Model Represents a View
Model for payment method information, containing details about specific payment methods used within Dynamicweb. This class includes properties such as the payment method identifier, name, description, icon, and terms related to the payment process.Base
- Product
Catalog Settings Represents the settings of the product catalog.
- Shipping
View Model Represents a View
Model for shipping method information, tailored for use within Dynamicweb, including integration details for other ERP systems for certain fields. This class includes properties such as the shipping method identifier, name, description, icon, and additional fields focused on pricing and ERP system integration specifics.Base
- Show
OnParagraph Info Represents the ShowOnParagraphInfo
- Product
Catalog Show Type Defines the show types for product catalog.
- Template
Extender Rendering State Defines the rendering state for some template extenders.
- Variants
Search Mode Defines the search modes for the variants.