Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Loyalty
- Condition
Point Info Represents information about condition points.
- Condition
Reward Represents information about rewards which could be earned and condition for that
- Condition
Rule Represents information about condition for reward
- Default
Point Provider Represents a default points provider.
- Point
Info Represents information about points.
- Reward
Represents information about a reward.
- Reward
Points Given Represents how much a reward have been giving in points
- Reward
Rule Represents information about a reward rule.
- User
Transaction Represents information about a user transaction.
- ICondition
Point Provider IConditionPointProvider interface.
- IPoint
Info IPointInfo interface.
- IPoint
Provider IPointProvider interface.
- IStateless
Point Provider IStatelessPointProvider interface.
- Condition
Rule Type The order of enum values mean a priority of this rule type
- Reward
Type Enumeration with reward types.
- Transaction
Object Type Enumeration with transaction object types.