Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.Gateways
- OrderManager
The class OrderManager represents manager for gateways.
- PaymentOperationResultModel
The model used for result of payment controller operation
- IActionController
Implement this interface in your GatewayProvider to handle actions
- IAmountRefund
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support refunds
- ICancelOrder
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support canceling of orders
- IChangeOrder
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support changing orders
- ICheckAuthorizationStatus
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support different authorization statuses.
- ICheckOrderStatus
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support checking they payment status of the order
- ICheckoutHandlerAction
Base interface for Checkout handler actions. Should not be implemented directly
- ICheckoutHandlerCallback
Implement this interface in your CheckoutHandler to support callback processing between payment system and CheckoutHandler.
- IFullReturn
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support full returns
- IPartialReturn
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support partial returns
- IPaymentTransactionProvider
Implement this interface in your CheckoutHandler to support payment transactions
- IRecurring
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support recurring orders
- IRemoteCapture
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support remote capture
- IRemotePartialCapture
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support remote partial capture
- IRemotePartialFinalOnlyCapture
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support remote partial capture but with possibility to capture only one with amount less then authorized
- ISavedCard
Implement this interface in your CheckOutHandler to support saving cards to the user
- AuthorizationStatus
The AuthorizationStatus enumeration defines types of authorization used with the gateway.
- OrderOperations
The OrderOperations enumeration defines types operations that can be supported by gateway.