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Enum OrderTotalPriceCondition


The OrderTotalPriceCondition enumeration defines the logical operators used in an order total price comparison.

public enum OrderTotalPriceCondition


EqualTo = 1

The total price of the order must be equal to the order total price on the discount.

GreaterThan = 5

The total price of the order must be greater than the order total price on the discount.

GreaterThanOrEqualTo = 6

The total price of the order must be greater than or equal to the order total price on the discount.

LessThan = 3

The total price of the order must be lesser than the order total price on the discount.

LessThanOrEqualTo = 4

The total price of the order must be lesser than or equal to the order total price on the discount.

NotEqualTo = 2

The total price of the order must not be equal to the order total price on the discount.

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