Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.PaymentTransactions
- Payment
Transaction Represents a transaction (payment).
- Payment
Transaction Event Represents a payment transaction event. This could be authorization, capture, refund, cancel, etc.
- Payment
Transaction Meta Data Describes the metadata related to a Payment
Transaction .
- Payment
Transaction Search Filter Represents the payment transaction search filter
- Payment
Transaction Cancel Result Represents the result of a payment transaction cancellation
- Payment
Transaction Key Represents a payment transaction, which consists of a combination of Payment
Transaction ID and Payment ID.
- Payment
Transaction Provider Info Describes information about a IPayment
Transaction .Provider
- Payment
Transaction Search Result Represents the payment transaction search results
- Payment
Transaction Cancel Result. Result Type The result type of the payment transaction cancellation
- Payment
Transaction Event Type Represents the type of event that occurred on a payment transaction.
- Payment
Transaction State Represents the state of a payment transaction.