Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Prices
- Configurable
Vat Provider Represents the configurable VAT provider.
- Default
Price Provider Represents a default price provider.
- Price
Represents information about the price.
- Price
Calculated Represents information about calculated price.
- Price
Context Represents the context for price calculations.
- Price
Helper PriceHelper class. This class cannot be inherited.
- Price
Info Represents price-related information, including VAT, currency, and formatted prices. This class handles operations related to price calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and formatting with or without VAT.
- Price
Info Currency Exception Represents a currency exeption.
- Price
Manager Represents a price manager. Provides methods to prepare and find prices for products.
- Price
Product Selection Represents the selected product for which a price calculation is performed.
- Price
Provider Represents a price provider used to overwrite or extend how Dynamicweb calculate prices by overriding Find
Price(Price Context, Price Product Selection)
- Price
Quantity Info Price quantity information.
- Price
Raw Represents a placeholder for an amount and a currency. PriceRaw is a simple unqualified price, that's mostly used internally by the PriceManager or by PriceProviders.
- Price
Service Service for managing prices.
- Rounding
Represents the methods for rounding of sums.
- IInformative
Price Info Represents the interface of the informative price.
- IInformative
Price Info Provider To completely take over informative price calculation from eCommerce, create a class that implements this interface and overwrites FindInformativePriceInfo
- IPrice
Info The IPriceInfo interface is used to represent pricing information in the Dynamicweb Ecommerce system. It includes properties for currency, price with and without VAT, VAT amount and percentage, and formatted price strings. This interface is typically implemented by classes that handle product pricing details.
- IPrice
Info Provider To completely take over price calculation from eCommerce, create a class that implements this interface and overwrites FindPriceInfo
- IPrice
Reference Info Represents the interface of the price reference.