Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.ProductCatalog
- BomConfigurationViewModel
If the product is of type BOM this can be returned and is the container around all BOM data
- CategoryFieldViewModelSetting
The category field model settings
- FieldGroupViewModel
The class allows to view product display groups
- FieldValueViewModelSetting
The product field model settings
- FillableViewModelBase
A fillable viewmodel is a defined as a model for frontend, that allows for specification of which properties should be filled/loaded. If a property is specified as "not filled" it will have near-zero cost on performance, as this data is simply not loaded.
- ImageExportSettings
The settings for the image exporting.
- MediaViewModel
Represents the information about a media file or URL.
- MediaViewModelExtensions
Provides extension methods for the MediaViewModel class to convert to FileViewModel and VideoViewModels.
- PriceViewModel
Represents a price with and without VAT for products, order lines etc.
- PriceViewModelExtensions
Extensions for price view model
- ProductCatalogSettings
Represents the settings of the product catalog.
- ProductInfoViewModelExtensions
Extension methods for expanding product infos into full product viewmodels.
- ProductViewModel
The product viewmodel represents a product and its data. The model covers basic things like Name, SKU, Description and the price.
The model also contains information about related product data like product relations, units, quantity prices, stock levels, assets, attributes and much more.
Most of the data is only loaded if and when used in a template or exposed in a web-api. The more of the properties that are used, the more is loaded and that will have an impact on load performance. Each description of properties in this documentation contains information about a potential performance overhead.
When rendering a list of products, the list size (i.e. 10 vs. 30 vs. 100 products on a list) can affect the performance of a product list page since more data needs to be loaded.
WARNING: If multiple of the properties with performance overhead are used on the product list and many products are listed, a lot of data will be loaded and affect performance. Limit the use of the properties with performance overhead on lists or use the web-api to load additional information on demand when needed.
- ProductViewModelSettings
Configuration of how a product viewmodel should be created.
- RelatedGroupViewModelExtensions
The class represents shared member providing extensions for the RelatedGroupViewModel.
- VariantOptionViewModel
Represents a view model for a variant option in the product catalog.
- ViewModelFactory
Handles creation of all ecommerce viewmodels.
- ViewSettingsBaseCurrencyBase<T>
Base configuration for views that require a language and a currency code to be contructed.
- ViewSettingsBase<T>
Configuration of which properties of a fillable viewmodel that should be loaded/filled.
- ViewSettingsLanguageBase<T>
Base configuration for views that require a language to be contructed.