Table of Contents

Enum FieldType


Denotes the types of fields

public enum FieldType


Button = 14

The button.

Checkbox = 7

The checkbox.

Checkboxlist = 9

The checkbox list.

Color = 27

The color.

Date = 21

The date.

Datetime = 25

The DateTime.

DatetimeLocal = 26

The DateTime local.

Divider = 10

The divider.

Email = 16

The email.

File = 1

The file.

Hidden = 3

The hidden.

Image = 11

The image.

Month = 22

The month.

Number = 19

The number.

PageShift = 29

The page shift.

Password = 12

The password.

Radio = 6

The radio.

Range = 20

The range.

Reset = 5

The reset.

The search.

Select = 8

The select.

Submit = 4

The submit.

Tel = 18

The telephone.

Text = 2

The text.

Textarea = 0

The text area.

Textstring = 13

The text string.

Time = 24

The time.

Unknown = 28

The unknown.

Url = 17

The URL.

Week = 23

The week.

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