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Where notifications are used to hook into the flow of DynamicWeb, providers are used when you want to implement your completely own functionality for a specific use-case e.g. a PriceProvider or a DataIntegrationProvider. DynamicWeb will then be able to discover the custom providers, so they can be selected in the administration of DynamicWeb.

DynamicWeb exposes a number of base-class, which can be used to implement the providers, and it's important that your custom provider implements the correct base-class otherwise it will not appear.


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Configurable Add-ins

By default, providers will only contain functionality and you have no way of configuring it from the administration, but if you create your provider as a Configurable Add-in you can add UI elements to the provider. A provider will function as a Configurable Add-in by inheriting from the ConfigurableAddIn class:

using Dynamicweb.Extensibility.AddIns;

namespace Examples
    [AddInName("MyProvider"), AddInDescription("Custom provider description")]
    public class MyProvider : ConfigurableAddIn

Attribute Description
AddInActive Defines if the add-in is active
AddInAuthor Defines the the author of an add-in.
AddInDeprecated Indicates if an add-in is deprecated, meaning that it can still be used, but it will no longer be selectable from the administration
AddInDescription Provides a description of the add-in
AddInIcon Used to provide an icon to an add-in
AddInIgnore Does the same as AddInDeprecated
AddInLabel Used to provide a name of the add-in
AddInName Used to provide a name of the add-in
AddInOrder Provides a sorting of the individual add-ins
AddInTarget Defines the the place where an add-in should be displayed.

If you then need to add some configurable to your provider, you do it by adding attributes to your properties, which gives information about how it should look in the UI.

using Dynamicweb.Extensibility.AddIns;
using Dynamicweb.Extensibility.Editors;

namespace Examples
    [AddInName("MyProviderWithParameters"), AddInDescription("Custom provider description with parameters")]
    public class MyProviderWithParameters : ConfigurableAddIn
        [AddInParameter("My Property")]
        [AddInParameterEditor(typeof(TextParameterEditor), "")]
        public string MyProperty { get; set; }

DynamicWeb will then make sure to save the configuration, and fill out the correct value next time the provider is loaded.

We have a bunch of different attributes that you can use to decorate your properties:

Attribute Description
AddInParameter Used to provide a name of your configuration parameter, which will be shown in the UI
AddInParameterEditor Used to define which editor should be used for this parameter. A list of available editor types can be found here
AddInParameterGroup Used to group parameters together in a named Group. All properties with the same name in this attribute will be listed together
AddInUseParameterGrouping Defines if the AddInParameterGroup is active or not
AddInParameterOrder Used to define the order of the parameters using a number value.
AddInUseParameterOrdering Defines if the custom parameter ordering from the AddInParameterOrder attribute is used
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