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Deprecated in DynamicWeb 10 (from 9)

Overview of deprecated features and providers in the DynamicWeb 10 APIs

There are numerous features, providers, classes and APIs that have been deprecated in the platform switch from DynamicWeb 9 to DynamicWeb 10. In most cases the deprecations have been done either because of technological concerns or because of very limited usage.

Additionally, in many cases, the replacement will be able in the latest DynamicWeb 9 version, enabling you to port or migrate your features before doing the actual DynamicWeb 10 upgrade, effectively limiting the amount of "bricks" you need to change at a time.


Most deprecations have been given [Obsolete] flag in the latest DynamicWeb 9 versions. If you're migrating custom code, for instance, this means you can use the compiler to provide you with a list of features that need to be changed.

Deprecated features and providers

When you go a little deeper, some features and providers have been made obsolete and removed from the codebase, usually because they had been deprecated for a long time or for technical reasons such as incompatibility with the new .NET framework version or UI engine.

The following features have been deprecated:

Feature Reason Replacement
News v2 Really old Items
Content personalization Not used much None
Leads Not used much Use external tools
Maps Deprecated Google API use Items
Statistics (Old) Really old Tracking
SMS Not used None
RemoteHttp Really really old Items
UI features like Page reporting, SEO Express, etc. Not used much None
Sales Discounts Really old Discount matrix
Meta Fields Not used much None
Image editor Not used much None
Upload manager Not used much None
Editor Configuration Not used much None
Split test email Not used None

The following providers have been deprecated, usually for technical reasons:

Provider Reason Replacement
ImageGlue Dependent on Windows GDI+ ImageSharp
AbcPdf Dependent on Windows GDI+ IronPdf
External login providers (Facebook, Azure, OKTA, Oauth) Deprecated auth platform New implementations
Dashboards Dependent on DW9 UI New DW10 UI
Checkout Handlers (Authorize, Beanstream, Old Klarna) Dependent on 3rd party .NET 4 components Use new versions
Dynamicweb.SmartSearch.Providers.Lucene Dependent on 3rd party .NET 4 components Lucene4
Live Integration ribbonbar add-in Dependent on DW9 UI New DW10 UI
Editor providers Dependent on DW9 UI New DW10 UI
SmartSearch Dependent on 3rd party .NET 4 components N/A
SalesDiscount providers Deprecated feature Discount matrix

If you currently use any of these features or providers you will need to fix that before upgrading to DynamicWeb 10

Deprecated and changed APIs

Namespaces and locations of the APIs are more or less unchanged between 9.15 and 10.0. In DynamicWeb 9.15 parts of the API are marked as obsolete and this means that it is not available on DynamicWeb 10.

So already when upgrading your customizations to DynamicWeb 9.15, you get a great overview of what is deprecated - most deprecations have new and more modern implementations that you can move to.

Besides the obsoleted APIs in DynamicWeb 9, we have also moved some other things around in DynamicWeb 10.

One example is that a lot of minor packages have been moved into one new package Dynamicweb.Core - these packages have moved to this new one.

  • Dynamicweb.Cache
  • Dynamicweb.Configuration
  • Dynamicweb.Core
  • Dynamicweb.Data
  • Dynamicweb.DataProcessing
  • Dynamicweb.Deployment
  • Dynamicweb.Diagnostics
  • Dynamicweb.Environment
  • Dynamicweb.Extensibility
  • Dynamicweb.Imaging
  • Dynamicweb.Indexing
  • Dynamicweb.LoadBalancing
  • Dynamicweb.Logging
  • Dynamicweb.Mailing
  • Dynamicweb.Scheduling
  • Dynamicweb.Security
  • Dynamicweb.Tracking
  • Dynamicweb.Updates
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