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Shipping Providers

How to add shipping methods to your solution

Shipping goods to your customers is an important part of running an e-commerce business. To do this, one or more shipping methods needs to be implemented alongside a checkout flow that allow customers to select a shipping method. This article will introduce you to:

  • Creating a shipping method
  • Configuring a shipping provider

When configuring a shipping provider, you typically also need to have an account on an external service belonging to a delivery service. DynamicWeb supports integrating your e-commerce business with these popular delivery services:

Navigating to Settings > Commerce > Order Management > Shipping gives you a list of the implemented shippings methods on your solution:

new shipment

Creating a shipping method

To create a shipping method:

  1. Go to Settings > Commerce > Order Management > Shipping
  2. Click the '+ New shipping'-button in the top right corner and fill in the details
    • Provide a name, set the method to active and give a description
    • Select which countries it should be active for
    • Select a shipping provider, this will result in a number of settings related to the external delivery service
    • If relevant, set up fees
    • If relevant, configure for which user groups the shipping is available for, select an icon for the shipping method, and configure the Business Central integration fields

You can read more about the settings on each shipping method tab in the following sections.

The General tab contains the following settings:

Setting Used for Notes
Name Set the name of the shipping method Also used in frontend
Active Activate/deactivate a shipping method
Description Describe the shipping method
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