How to use out C# API in templates
Templates are rendered using either ViewModels or TemplateTags to dynamically fetch information from DW10 and render it in frontend when a page is being shown.
Sometimes, however, the ViewModel og tag collection does not contain the properties you want to access in a template - in those cases you can often use our C# API to work directly with DynamicWeb objects and data.
The recommended method is to go via our services:
- Dynamicweb.Content.Services
- Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Services
- Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.UserManagementServices
- Dynamicweb.Forms.FormServices
In the following we will add examples of how you can use the C# api in your templates to extend standard template functionality.
Some considerations before you start:
- If you only need a piece of code in one template write the code directly in the template
- If you need the same code in more templates you can:
- Use ViewModel Extensibility to add properties or change behavior of existing properties
- Create extension methods for a given ViewModel to add methods that can be re-used and compile these into a package
- Be careful about code performance in templates - templates are rendered many times, and even small performance issues can become problematic
- Code in templates should be rendering-logic only - e.g. how the "Add to cart"-button should be rendered, and not 'business'-logic like the price of the product
Example 1: Looking up the user who created a page
In this example we use the PageViewModel to render a blog post. We want to show the reader who wrote the blogpost, a property not on the PageViewModel.
@inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel>
<p>Written by @Model.Item.GetString("Author")</p>
<img src="@Model.Item.GetFile("Image").Path" />
<a href="@Model.Item.GetLink("Link").Url">Read more</a>
// Here we use the C# API to look up the name of the user who created this page
string pageCreatedBy = string.Empty;
var page = Dynamicweb.Content.Services.Pages.GetPage(Model.ID);
if (int.TryParse(page.Audit.CreatedBy, out int createdByUserId))
var user = Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.UserManagementServices.Users.GetUserById(createdByUserId);
pageCreatedBy = $"This page was created by {user.Name}";