Table of Contents

Integration providers

An integration provider is a piece of software for moving data between DynamicWeb and an external data source, like an XML file, an OData endpoint or an SQL database.

Integration providers are used in integration activities and are always paired as a source and destination provider.

DynamicWeb provider

A general purpose provider for working with the DynamicWeb database.

Ecom provider

A derivate of the DynamicWeb provider designed to work specifically with Ecommerce data.

User provider

A derivative of the DynamicWeb provider designed to work specifically with User data.

Order provider

A derivative of the DynamicWeb provider designed to work specifically with Orders and order lines.

OData provider

Import and export data through the OData protocol using preconfigured endpoints.

XML provider

Import and export data to and from XML files.

CSV provider

Import and export data from and to CSV files.

SQL provider

Import and export data directly to and from a Microsoft SQL server database. Supports SQL Views.

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