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App settings

In the App Settings node you can define settings used on the Forms for Editors - ViewModel paragraph app.

There are relatively many settings for forms, but by defining them here you can reuse your settings across different forms.

The form settings are presented when you add a new setting and select Forms for editors as the System Name. Below are the different settings explained.

When submitting form

when submitting form screenshot

The When submitting form settings control what happens after a user submits a form. You can either:

  • Redirect the user to another page on your website
  • Display a confirmation message on the same page, using a template that acknowledges the submission, it should be placed under /Templates/Forms/Confirmation.


The Email settings allow you to set up how you want to receive a notification when a form is submitted by the user - the email can also include the data from the submitted form.

email screenshot

There are a few properties in this section, here is a breakdown of them:

  • Subject: The subject line of the email sent to the recipient
  • Sender name: The name displayed as the sender of the email
  • Sender email: The email from which the email is sent
  • Get from E-mail field: If checked, the email provided by the user in the form will be used as the sender's email
  • Reply to: The email used when the recipient clicks "Reply" on the email
  • Get from E-mail field: If checked, the email the user submits will be used as the "Reply to" email
  • Recipient: The recipient email where the email is sent to
  • Recipient CC: Additional email addresses that will receive a CC of the submission
  • Recipient BCC: Additional email addresses that will receive a BCC of the submission
  • Use template: Select how to want to render the email
    • Automatic: Uses a default system-generated template that contains the text written in the field Text
    • Page: Uses a page designed for the purpose
    • Template: Uses a template of you choice, it should be stored in the following path: /Templates/Forms/Mail.


The Receipt settings are used to set up receipt emails, that are sent to the user when submitting a form.

receipt screenshot

There are a few properties in this section, here is a breakdown of them:

  • Subject: Subject of the e-mail sent to the user submitting the form
  • Sender name: The name displayed as the sender of the email
  • Sender email: The email displayed as the sender
  • Recipient CC: Additional email addresses that will receive a CC of the submission
  • Recipient BCC: Additional email addresses that will receive a BCC of the submission
  • Use template: Select how to want to render the mail
    • Automatic: Uses a default system-generated template that contains the text written in the field Text
    • Page: Uses a page designed for the purpose
    • Template: Uses a template of you choice, it should be placed under /Templates/Forms/Mail.

Max submits

The Max Submits section of the app enables you to set a limit on the number of times a form can be submitted. This feature is important for several reasons, such as preventing abuse and reducing spam.

Max submits

The configuration options in this section:

  • Max submits on this page: Specifies the maximum number of submissions allowed for this form
    • If left blank, there is no limit
  • When max submits is reached: Select what happens when the submission limit is reached:
    • Redirect to page: Choose a specific page to which users will be redirected once the limit is reached
    • Use confirmation template: Use a template to display that max submissions has been reached

Upload settings

The upload settings specify the path for storing user-submitted files.

upload settings

User management

The user management settings are used to create users and adding them to specific user groups.

This is particularly useful for signing users up for newsletters - by adding users to a newsletter group and using email marketing to target that group.

user management

To use this function, check the Create user on form submit and select one or more user groups to add the users to

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