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Repositories are collections of settings and data related to searching data one a solution; products, pages, users, files, etc. Repositories are used extensively on a typical DynamicWeb 10 solution - for instance:

  • To implement free-text product or content search in frontend
  • To identify products for enrichment
  • To find products to show in a product list
  • To isolate subsets of users to send emails to
  • Etc.

Most DynamicWeb solutions will have at least a Content-index for content search, a Products-index for publishing products to frontend, and a User-index for finding groups of email recipients or to power an impersonation setup - and possibly more.

Repositories are created and managed from the Settings > System > Repositories node. Here you can see a list of existing repositories or create new ones. RepositoriesNode A repository can contain the following elements:

  • Indexes are data structures which are fast to query (search)
  • Queries are requests for information from an index
  • Facets are filters for frontend which allow customers to refine query results
  • Tasks are instructions for automatically rebuilding an index at a predefined interval

You can read more about each of these in the linked articles.

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