Table of Contents


HTTP compression, html tweaks, template compatibility and more.

The HTTP-settings node contains settings related to e.g. http compression, template compatibility settings, etc. HTTPsettings The following settings are available::

Section Setting Use Notes
HTTP compression Type Select a compression type – Brottli, GZip, or None
Minify HTML Removes spaces and line breaks in markup
Remove empty lines in the HTML Removes lines with only whitespace characters
Output settings Do not add base href to header Will leave out base href meta tag from auto generated metatags
Disable port number in base href and Cart redirects Disables adding port numbers to base href & redirects when using SSL On some hosting environments, SSL http requests are translated by a firewall, in which case the base href tag is needed without a port number. Used for reverse proxy setups
Disable performance comment Disables performance comments from being added to page html
Template compatibility Convert detected DW9 templates to DW10 runtime Converts @helpers to functions Replaces calls to @System.Web. Enabling this will make the template engine discover old templates and convert helpers and system.web calls For debugging purposes only
Save detected DW9 templates converted to DW10 Enabling this will save converted templates to templates folder as {filename}.dw10.cshtml For debugging purposes only
Load DW10 version of templates if detected Enabling this will load templates named *.dw10.cshtml instead of specified template For debugging purposes only
Overwrite detected DW9 with DW10 conversion Enabling this will overwrite original templates with the converted template and backup original as {filename}.dw9.cshtml For debugging purposes only
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