Table of Contents

Class UrlTreeBuilder


UrlTreeBuilder is a helper class for bulding url tree structures. Url nodes can be created with ID and ParentID structure using the Add(string, string, string, string, string, string, bool, bool) methods and when the object has been filled with data, call the MakeTree(). After that call a tree of UrlNode is available from the RootNodes property.

public class UrlTreeBuilder
Inherited Members



Gets the root nodes of the UrlNodes in the resulting tree. Only contains values after MakeTree() has been called.

public List<UrlNode> RootNodes { get; }

Property Value


The root nodes.


Add(int, int, string, string, int, string, bool, bool)

Adds a UrlNode to the tree builder instance.

public void Add(int id, int parentId, string name, string queryStringParameter, int queryStringValue, string pathExact, bool ignoreInChildPath, bool ignoreParentPath)


id int

The Id of the item in the tree, i.e. "1" or "Group1".

parentId int

The parentid of the item, i.e. "0" or "" if a rootnode or i.e. "2" for nodes that has a parent.

name string

The name of the item, i.e. the name of the page, product or group. Used for this elements name in the resulting URL path.

queryStringParameter string

The query string parameter for this node, i.e. "ID" or "GroupID".

queryStringValue int

The query string value for this node, i.e. "1" for a page or "Group1" for a group.

pathExact string

The exact path for this node if needed - overwrites the auto generated path to this item with a specific value, i.e. "/MyProduct" instead of "/Products/TheGroup/MyProduct".

ignoreInChildPath bool

if set to true this items name is not part of children urlnode paths.

ignoreParentPath bool

if set to true this item will not include the parent path structure for its path.

Add(int, int, string, string, string, string, bool, bool)

Adds a UrlNode to the tree builder instance.

public void Add(int id, int parentId, string name, string queryStringParameter, string queryStringValue, string pathExact, bool ignoreInChildPath, bool ignoreParentPath)


id int

The Id of the item in the tree, i.e. "1" or "Group1".

parentId int

The parentid of the item, i.e. "0" or "" if a rootnode or i.e. "2" for nodes that has a parent.

name string

The name of the item, i.e. the name of the page, product or group. Used for this elements name in the resulting URL path.

queryStringParameter string

The query string parameter for this node, i.e. "ID" or "GroupID".

queryStringValue string

The query string value for this node, i.e. "1" for a page or "Group1" for a group.

pathExact string

The exact path for this node if needed - overwrites the auto generated path to this item with a specific value, i.e. "/MyProduct" instead of "/Products/TheGroup/MyProduct".

ignoreInChildPath bool

if set to true this items name is not part of children urlnode paths.

ignoreParentPath bool

if set to true this item will not include the parent path structure for its path.

Add(string, string, string, string, string, string, bool, bool)

Adds a UrlNode to the tree builder instance.

public void Add(string id, string parentId, string name, string queryStringParameter, string queryStringValue, string pathExact, bool ignoreInChildPath, bool ignoreParentPath)


id string

The Id of the item in the tree, i.e. "1" or "Group1".

parentId string

The parentid of the item, i.e. "0" or "" if a rootnode or i.e. "2" for nodes that has a parent.

name string

The name of the item, i.e. the name of the page, product or group. Used for this elements name in the resulting URL path.

queryStringParameter string

The query string parameter for this node, i.e. "ID" or "GroupID".

queryStringValue string

The query string value for this node, i.e. "1" for a page or "Group1" for a group.

pathExact string

The exact path for this node if needed - overwrites the auto generated path to this item with a specific value, i.e. "/MyProduct" instead of "/Products/TheGroup/MyProduct".

ignoreInChildPath bool

if set to true this items name is not part of children urlnode paths.

ignoreParentPath bool

if set to true this item will not include the parent path structure for its path.


public void AddNode(UrlDataNode nodeData)


nodeData UrlDataNode

AddNode(string, string, string, string, string, string, bool, bool, string, bool)

Adds a UrlNode to the tree builder instance.

public void AddNode(string id, string parentId, string name, string queryStringParameter, string queryStringValue, string pathExact, bool ignoreInChildPath, bool ignoreParentPath, string queryStringExact, bool ignoreParentQueryString)


id string

The Id of the item in the tree, i.e. "1" or "Group1".

parentId string

The parentid of the item, i.e. "0" or "" if a rootnode or i.e. "2" for nodes that has a parent.

name string

The name of the item, i.e. the name of the page, product or group. Used for this elements name in the resulting URL path.

queryStringParameter string

The query string parameter for this node, i.e. "ID" or "GroupID".

queryStringValue string

The query string value for this node, i.e. "1" for a page or "Group1" for a group.

pathExact string

The exact path for this node if needed - overwrites the auto generated path to this item with a specific value, i.e. "/MyProduct" instead of "/Products/TheGroup/MyProduct".

ignoreInChildPath bool

if set to true this items name is not part of children urlnode paths.

ignoreParentPath bool

if set to true this item will not include the parent path structure for its path.

queryStringExact string

The exact querystring - to override the automatic generated querystring.

ignoreParentQueryString bool

if set to true the querystring elements of the parent nodes are ignored. I.e. True for pages, but false for products since they also need their Groups querystring and value.



AddNode(string, string, string, string, string, string, bool, bool, string, bool, bool)

Adds a UrlNode to the tree builder instance.

public void AddNode(string id, string parentId, string name, string queryStringParameter, string queryStringValue, string pathExact, bool ignoreInChildPath, bool ignoreParentPath, string queryStringExact, bool ignoreParentQueryString, bool IncludeInSitemapXml)


id string

The Id of the item in the tree, i.e. "1" or "Group1".

parentId string

The parentid of the item, i.e. "0" or "" if a rootnode or i.e. "2" for nodes that has a parent.

name string

The name of the item, i.e. the name of the page, product or group. Used for this elements name in the resulting URL path.

queryStringParameter string

The query string parameter for this node, i.e. "ID" or "GroupID".

queryStringValue string

The query string value for this node, i.e. "1" for a page or "Group1" for a group.

pathExact string

The exact path for this node if needed - overwrites the auto generated path to this item with a specific value, i.e. "/MyProduct" instead of "/Products/TheGroup/MyProduct".

ignoreInChildPath bool

if set to true this items name is not part of children urlnode paths.

ignoreParentPath bool

if set to true this item will not include the parent path structure for its path.

queryStringExact string

The exact querystring - to override the automatic generated querystring.

ignoreParentQueryString bool

if set to true the querystring elements of the parent nodes are ignored. I.e. True for pages, but false for products since they also need their Groups querystring and value.

IncludeInSitemapXml bool

if set to true the node will be included in sitemap xml, otherwise ignored. Children will still be included




Makes the tree structure based on the IDs and ParentIds and adds the rootnodes to the RootNodes properties

public void MakeTree()
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