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Customer Experience Center - Favorites

Let the customer view and interact with their favorite lists.

The Customer Experience Center - Favorites app is a paragraph app for rendering Favorite Lists in frontend. As such, it is a faster and more streamlined parallel to the MyLists-part of the older Customer Center app. It is exclusively available for ViewModel templates.

When you add this app to a paragraph it has the following settings: CustomerExperienceCenterFavorites Basically, you need to:

  • Select what to retrieve favorite lists based on:
    • UserID - the unique ID for the logged-in user
    • Customer number - this standard user field can have the same value across users, to you can use this for shared lists
    • Own favorite lists and lists made by users that current user can impersonate - what it says on the tin
  • Configure the Display settings
    • Lists per page
    • Sort by field
    • Sort direction
  • Set the templates
    • List is used to render the list of favorite lists
    • Detail is used to render the contents of a specific favorite list. It is loaded when the parameter FavoriteListId is present in the url.

Favorite Commands

Favorite Commands are commands for manipulating a favorite list – e.g. adding or removing a product from it, creating it, renaming it, or deleting it - from ViewModel-based templates and in conjunction with the Customer Experience Center – Favorites app.

Like it’s conceptual sibling the cart command, a favorite command can be executed in two ways:

  • By submitting an URL with the favoritecmd parameter and a set of other parameters and values appropriate to the command
  • By submitting a Form using a button with the name FavoriteCmd and a set of input fields with names and values appropriate to the command

Here is a list of Favorite Commands:

Command Parameters Notes
CreateFavoriteList Name Creates a favorite list
RemoveFavoriteList FavoriteListId Removes the favorite list with the ID specified
RenameFavoriteList FavoriteListId, Name Sets the name of the favorite list specified to the value of the Name parameter
AddProductToFavoriteList ProductId, ProductVariantId, FavoriteListId (optional) Adds the specified product to the specified (or default) favorite list
RemoveProductFromFavoriteList ProductId, ProductVariantId (optional), FavoriteListId Removes the specified product from the specified (or default) favorite list

You may also find the FavoriteListService useful.

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