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Customer Experience Center

Let the customer view and interact with commerce-content

The Customer Experience Center app is a frontend app for rendering Ecommerce data - typically in list form related to a particular user. Carts, ledgers, orders, quotes and subscriptions are types of data that are possible to be rendered.

The functionality of the app is e.g.:

  • Keep a record of orders, quotes etc.
  • Show information related to the order, quote, customer order etc.
  • Provide functionality for the user to reorder a previous order or accept a quote

So, the logged in users are allowed in the frontend to see and interact with their Ecommerce data such as their orders. Here the app can show order placement time, order number, the total cost and order state. Furthermore, the shopping cart icon is a feature for the logged in user to reorder easily.

Customer experience center1

The app can also show the logged in user's Quotes and information related to it, here a functionality to accept the quote is also present...

Customer experience center2

... and if you click on an order or quote, an overview of it will appear.

Customer experience center3

If the logged in user have impersonation relations, you can set the app to render the user's customers orders, where the customer name and number is visible.

Customer experience center4

Please note that this template for the Customer Experience Center app comes from Swift, and is just one possible way to design it.

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