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Shopping cart

The Shopping Cart settings are used to tweak the behaviour of the Shopping Cart app.

The following settings are available:

Setting Use Note
Apply user-specific discounts/prices to cart items at login Useful for personalized pricing
Skip payment gateway if order amount is 0 or les You must also check 'Allow negative total order prices' in Settings > Ecommerce > Advanced > Prices
Do not render user address in address loop Prevents the default alternative address from being rendered as customer info and cannot be used for billing This setting is used in scenarios where addresses are imported from an external system and you don’t want the address from the standard user fields to show up in the addresses loop. A better solution would be to set a default address during the addresses import.
Copy customer info to delivery info fields if empty If any delivery fields are empty when an order is completed, billing field value is copied to the delivery field This ensures that orders have delivery address information when accessed via the backend – or when exported to an external system. All delivery fields must be empty for the copy to happen.
Activate the built-in order step validation
Disable step validation when going back Notice that step validation requires changes to the AcceptCart.html template
Organize orderlines so discounts and taxes are grouped with their parent orderlines For product discounts the parent is the order line. For order discounts the parent is still the order, so you will probably see no change.
Full cart isolation per browser, even for the same user Keeps shopping sessions distinct across different browsers
Recalculate cart on reordering from Customer Center Ensures that the reordered cart is up-to-date with the current status of the products and pricing
Do not delete carts with 0 orderlines Preserves empty carts in the system, useful for user behavior analysis
Do not delete orderlines with 0 quantity By default, orderlines with a quantity of 0 are removed from a cart
Cart session timeout (minutes) For logged in users Default is 720 minutes
Days the cart is saved This setting specifies how many days the cart is saved if not fully completed


The Extranet settings are used to control what happens to an anonymous cart on the active session when a user logs in. Your options are:

  • Keep anonymous cart content when user logs in
  • Merge anonymous cart content with the logged in user's cart content
  • Replace anonymous cart content with the logged in user's cart content

Saved for later

The Saved for later settings are used to control for how long a product is saved when added to a Saved for later-list.

Setting Use
Saved for later valid time (days) Specify for how long a product should be present on a Saved for later list

Product Reservation

The Product Reservation settings are used to configure when and how stock is reserved on the solution.

Setting Use
Reserve products Specify when a product is reserved, When product is added to cart or At the checkout step
Minutes the products in cart are reserved Specify the number of minutes a product should be reserved for. Requires Reserve Products to be set to When product is added to cart

Read about managing stock and units here.

Cart context

The Cart Context setting makes it possible to change the order OrderTime-property of an order, e.g. if you want to test if prices, discounts, or publication periods work as intended.

Setting Use
Allow different context dates If checked you can use *OrderTime=MM-dd-yyyy" to set an order time explicitly
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