Table of Contents

Enum ConditionalOperator


The operator to use when comparing input to existing rows.

public enum ConditionalOperator


Contains = 4

Is the incomming key value contains the conditional value?

DifferentFrom = 3

Is the incomming key different from the conditional value?

EndsWith = 8

Is the end of the key value equal to conditional value?

EqualTo = 0

Are the conditional value and the incomming keys equal?

GreaterThan = 2

Is the incomming key greater than the conditional value?

GreaterThanOrEqualTo = 13

Is the incoming key greater than or equal to the conditional value?

In = 5

Is the incomming key value in the specified conditional range?

LessThan = 1

Is the incomming key less than the conditional value?

LessThanOrEqualTo = 12

Is the incoming key less than or equal to the conditional value?

NotContains = 10

Does the incomming key value not contains the conditional value?

NotEndsWith = 9

Is the end of the key value not equal to conditional value?

NotIn = 11

Is the incomming key value not in the specified conditional range?

NotStartsWith = 7

Is the start of the key value not equal to conditional value?

StartsWith = 6

Is the start of the key value equal to conditional value?

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