Namespace Dynamicweb.DataIntegration.Integration
- Base
Destination Writer Base destination writer
- Base
Source Reader Base source reader
- Column
Represents table column
- Column
Collection Collection of Columns
- Column
Mapping Mapping shows which column from the source goes to which column in the destination.
- Column
Mapping Collection A collection of ColumnMappings. Provides method for save collection state xml format.
- Index
Represents a datatable index
- Job
This class describes one data transfer job. It can be saved to disk, reloaded and run again, assuming the schema of the source and the destination hasn't changed.
- Job
Queue Represents job queue
- Job
Task Represents job task
- Mapping
Contains the table mapping part of a schema.
- Mapping
Collection Collection of mappings that make up a Job
- Mapping
Conditional Used to describe the conditions that must be met for a row to be included in a job.
- Mapping
Conditional Collection A collection of MappingConditionals
- Mapping
Conditional Group Used to describe the conditions group that must be met for a row to be included in a job.
- Notification
Settings Contains E-mails notification setings
- Repositories
Index Settings Update repository indexes
- Response
Mapping Attribute Defines if the provider supports Response mappings
- Schema
Describes a schema for a datasource/Destination. Additionally, describes any additions needed to the schema, such as new Tables or columns that should be added when a job is run.
- Schema
Comparer Helper class for comparing schemas and finding errors in old schemas and most recent and mapping
- Schema
Comparer Result Stores information about error in Schemas/Mapping
- Schema
Comparer Results Stores errors found in Schemas/Mapping
- Service
Cache Settings Contains Service Cache setings
- Table
Used to describe a table in a schema.
- Table
Collection A collection of tables.
- Table
Script Base class for the table scripting functionality
- Conditional
Group Operator The operator to use when comparing input to existing rows.
- Conditional
Operator The operator to use when comparing input to existing rows.
- Job
Result JobResult values
- Mapping
Type MappingType
- Null
Empty Action Type Null or Empty Action Type
- Provider
Type Represents type of provider
- Schema
Compare Error Type Type of SchemaCompareError
- Script
Type Enum used to indicate which type of scripting is active in the Column mapping.