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Enum DiscountTypes


The DiscountType enumeration defines how the discount amount is calculated.

public enum DiscountTypes


Amount = 1

The discount is a fixed amount in a specified currency

AmountFromField = 5

The discount amount is taken from the product field value

CustomAmount = 6

Special discount type that needs to use DiscountAmount from order, and apply the configured values as the discount

CustomPercentage = 7

Special discount type that needs to use DiscountPercentage from orderline or order, and apply the configured values as the discount

LoyaltyPoints = 8

The order discount type, which allows user to use loyalty points for pay

Percentage = 2

The discount amount is a percentage of the order total price when used with an order discount and the price of an order line, when used with an order line discount.

Product = 3

The discount as a product.

Shipping = 4

The discount affects the shipping fee

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