Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.Discounts
- Discount
Represents information about a discount.
- DiscountCollection
Represents information about a discount collection.
- DiscountExtenderBase
Represents an extender that can be added to a discount (discount matrix) as additional custom condition
- DiscountGiven
Represents how much a discount have been giving in discount.
- DiscountGivenTotal
Represents statistic information about discounts.
- DiscountInfo
Represents information about a discount.
- DiscountInfoCollection
Represents information about a discount information collection.
- DiscountLimit
Represents information about amount limits for discounts.
- DiscountService
The DiscountService class providing methods for querying and saving The Discount aggregate to and from persistence.
- DiscountTranslation
The class DiscountTranslation represents translation for discounts.
- DiscountValidationResult
Class DiscountValidationResult stores a discount that is not valid and a list of reasons why it is not valid.
- IDiscountExtenderCalculateOrderDiscount
Implement this interface on a DiscountExtenderBase implementation to take over the calculation of a discount for an Order
- IDiscountExtenderCalculateProductDiscount
Implement this interface on a DiscountExtenderBase implementation to take over the calculation of a discount for a product
- DiscountApplyToProduct
The DiscountApplyToProduct enumeration defines the product to which discount should be applied
- DiscountApplyType
The OrderDiscountType enumeration defines the two different types of OrderDiscount instances the OrderDiscount class can represent.
- DiscountTypes
The DiscountType enumeration defines how the discount amount is calculated.
- DiscountValidationType
The types of discount validation.
- SortBy
The SortBy enumeration defines on which field discount will be sorted.
- SortDirection
The SortDirection enumeration defines in which direction discount will be sorted.