Table of Contents

Class Template


Loads HTML (XSLT) based templates and expose methods for setting dynamic values and loops. Returns a parsed version of the template replacing template tags with dynamic values.

public class Template : TemplateData
Inherited Members


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();



Templates are HTML or XSLT files placed in the /Files/Templates folder of a Dynamicweb installation. Templates are the rendering engine of Dynamicweb merging the markup (or XSLT) with the dynamicweb values delivered by the system.

Template language looks like normal markup with comment style variables: <h1><--@TagName--&gt;&lt;h1&gt;. Runtime the <--@TagName--&gt; is replaced by a value set with SetTag(string, string?).



Initializes a new instance of the Template class without reading a template file.

public Template()


See usage example in LoadTemplate(string)


Use Html property or LoadTemplate(string) to load html to the instance.


Initializes a new instance of the Template class and loads a template into the object.

public Template(string path)


path string

The path to the template relative to /Files/Templates directory, i.e. "MyModule/item.html" to load a template from /Files/Templates/MyModule/item.html.

Template(string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the Template class and loads a template into the object.

public Template(string path, string cultureName)


path string

The path to the template relative to /Files/Templates directory, i.e. "MyModule/item.html" to load a template from /Files/Templates/MyModule/item.html.

cultureName string

Name of the culture used for translation of translate tags, ie. 'en-GB'



Gets or sets the loop instance if the current template object is a member of a parent template objects loop collection. Otherwise null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

public Loop? CurrentLoop { get; set; }

Property Value


The loop instance of the current template object


This property is used by the template object in loop situations. Should not be called.


Gets the filename of the template, i.e. /News/Template.html.

public string Filename { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the HTML of the template. Usually loaded when instantiated New Template("MyFolder/MyTemplate.html").

public string Html { get; set; }

Property Value


The HTML of a template.


public string? HtmlOrg { get; }

Property Value



public bool IsViewModelTemplate { get; }

Property Value



Gets a value indicating whether this instance is XSLT template.

public bool IsXsltTemplate { get; }

Property Value


true if this instance is XSLT template; otherwise, false.


public int LoopCounter { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the name of the loop.

public string LoopName { get; set; }

Property Value


The name of the loop.


Gets the loops.

public LoopCollection Loops { get; }

Property Value


The loop collection.


Gets or sets the parent template - if the template instance is a loop item.

public Template? Parent { get; }

Property Value


The parent template object instance.


Gets or sets the full path of the template path.

public string Path { get; }

Property Value


The path.


Gets or sets the collection of template tags.

public TagCollection Tags { get; set; }

Property Value


The tag collection.


Use SetTag(string, string?) to add tags or tag collections to the current instance.


Gets a enum of the type of template.

public Template.TemplateType Type { get; set; }

Property Value


The template type.


public ViewModelBase? ViewModel { get; }

Property Value



Gets the collection of custom view parameters.

public IDictionary<string, object> ViewParameters { get; }

Property Value

IDictionary<string, object>


Gets a XML document representing the template tags as xml - tags are not present until Template.Output has been called.

public XmlDocument XmlDocument { get; }

Property Value


The XML document.


CombineTagName(string?, params string[])

Combines an array of strings into a template tag name.

public static string CombineTagName(string? tagNamespace, params string[] components)


tagNamespace string

A tag name namespace.

components string[]

An array of parts of the tag name.




Commits a loop.

public void CommitLoop()


See usage example in GetLoop(string)


Call this every time an iteration of a template loop is done. See GetLoop for example.

FindDesignsVersion(string, Layout?)

public static string FindDesignsVersion(string fileName, Layout? layout)


fileName string
layout Layout




Gets a loop.

public Template GetLoop(string name)


name string

The name.



An instance of template representing the markup of the loop.


public IDictionary<string, object?> GetRawTags()


IDictionary<string, object>


Gets the value of the passed variable name.

public object? GetRawValue(string name)


name string

The name of the variable.



Returns null (Nothing in VB) if the passed name is not found in the rawTags collection


Gets xslt variable.

public string? GetVariable(string name)


name string

The name.



Value of xslt variable.


Determines whether there is a tag in the current HTML template that starts with the given prefix.

public bool HtmlHasPartialTag(string name)


name string

Tag name prefix.



Value indicating whether there is a tag in the current HTML template that starts with the given prefix.

HtmlHasPartialTag(string, bool)

Determines whether there is a tag in the current HTML template that starts with the given prefix.

public bool HtmlHasPartialTag(string name, bool checkIfStatements)


name string

Tag name prefix.

checkIfStatements bool

Value indicating whether to check "If" statements for tag presence.



Value indicating whether there is a tag in the current HTML template that starts with the given prefix.


Loads a Template file into the object from disk specified by path parameter.

public override void LoadTemplate(string path)


path string

The path to the Template file relative to the /Files/Templates/ folder.


Usually used with the constructor of the Template object. See the Template reference for a full example. Use Html property to load markup from a string.

LoadTemplate(string, bool)

Loads a Template file into the object from disk specified by path parameter.

public override void LoadTemplate(string path, bool forceRecompile)


path string

The path to the Template file relative to the /Files/Templates/ folder.

forceRecompile bool


Usually used with the constructor of the Template object. See the Template reference for a full example. Use Html property to load markup from a string.


Checks if a loop exists in the loaded template.

public bool LoopExists(string name)


name string

The name of loop to check for.



true if the loop is found in the template; otherwise false


Used for optimizing performance. If the loop is expensive to render, there is no need to execute the code if the template is not going to use the data.


Parses the loaded template html with the data set on the object with SetTag(string, string?). If the loaded template is a XSLT file, the passed tags are converted into a XML-document which is applied with the loaded XSLT.

public string Output()



A merged string of the resulting html.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();



Should only be called once for each instance of the template object. Use CommitLoop() inside a loop.


public void ParseXml()

RenderPartial(string, Template, IDictionary<string, object>?)

Renders a partial template.

public static string RenderPartial(string templatePath, Template template, IDictionary<string, object>? viewParameters = null)


templatePath string

The path of the template to render.

template Template

The template object.

viewParameters IDictionary<string, object>

The optional view parameters.



The rendered partial template as a string.


Resets this instance. Clears the buffers, the tags and loops.

public void Reset()

SetTag(string, bool)

Specifies a tag value of type boolean.

public void SetTag(string name, bool value)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value bool

if set to true the tag returns "True", otherwise Sting.empty.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();



It renders an empty string if false so if defined can be used on the output.

SetTag(string, DateTime)

Specifies a tag value of type date with the specified culture. Adds a series of Date/Time extensions to the base template name.

public void SetTag(string name, DateTime value)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value DateTime

The date value replacing the template tag specified in the name.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();


SetTag(string, DateTime, CultureInfo)

Specifies a tag value of type date with the specified culture. Adds a series of Date/Time extensions to the base template name.

public void SetTag(string name, DateTime value, CultureInfo culture)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value DateTime

The date value replacing the template tag specified in the name.

culture CultureInfo

The culture.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();



Used internally. Use SetTag(string, DateTime) instead.

SetTag(string, DateTime, CultureInfo, string)

Specifies a tag value of type date with the specified culture. Adds a series of Date/Time extensions to the base template name.

public void SetTag(string name, DateTime value, CultureInfo culture, string dateFormat)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value DateTime

The date value replacing the template tag specified in the name.

culture CultureInfo

The culture.

dateFormat string

The date format.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();



Used internally. Use SetTag(string, DateTime) instead.

SetTag(string, DateTime, string)

Specifies a tag value of type date with the specified culture. Adds a series of Date/Time extensions to the base template name.

public void SetTag(string name, DateTime value, string dateFormat)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value DateTime

The date value replacing the template tag specified in the name.

dateFormat string

The date format.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();



Used internally. Use SetTag(string, DateTime) instead.

SetTag(string, decimal)

Specifies a tag value of type decimal.

public void SetTag(string name, decimal value)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value decimal

The decimal value replacing the template tag specified in the name.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();


SetTag(string, double)

Specifies a tag value of type double.

public void SetTag(string name, double value)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value double

The double value replacing the template tag specified in the name.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();


SetTag(string, int)

Specifies a tag value of type integer.

public void SetTag(string name, int value)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value int

The integer value replacing the template tag specified in the name.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();


SetTag(string, long)

Specifies a tag value of type long (Int64).

public void SetTag(string name, long value)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value long

The long value replacing the template tag specified in the name.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();


SetTag(string, string?)

Specifies a tag name and value for the instance of the template object.

public void SetTag(string name, string? value)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value string

The value replacing the template tag specified in the name.

SetTag(string, string?, bool)

Specifies a tag name and value for the instance of the template object.

public void SetTag(string name, string? value, bool htmlEncode)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value string

The value replacing the template tag specified in the name.

htmlEncode bool

if set to true the value is HTML encoded.

SetTag(string, string, string, string)

Specifies a tag value for the instance of the template object and add an attribute with a value on the xml node when using xslt templates.

public void SetTag(string name, string value, string xmlAttributeName, string xmlAttributeValue)


name string

The name of the template tag, <--@NameOfTag--&gt;.

value string

The value replacing the template tag specified in the name.

xmlAttributeName string

Name of an additional XML attribute that should be added to the tag node when using XSLT.

xmlAttributeValue string

The XML attribute value of the XmlAttributeName when specified.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Dynamicweb.Rendering;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.Rendering;

public static class TemplateSample
    public static string RenderTemplate()
        //Load template from /Files/Templates/MyModuleName/List.html
        var t = new Template("MyModuleName/List.html");

        //Render string template tag <!--@WelcomeMessage-->
        t.SetTag("WelcomeMessage", "Hello world");

        //Render boolean template tag <!--@IsTuesDay-->
        t.SetTag("IsTuesday", DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);

        //Render a datetime template tag <!--@TodaysDate--> - and also the <!--@TodaysDate.*--> date time extensions
        t.SetTag("TodaysDate", DateTime.Now, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //Test if the loaded template contains a specific tag - if not do not do expensive work.
        if (t.TagExists("MyCalculation"))
            t.SetTag("MyCalculation", "CallExpensiveMethod()");

        //Test if the loop MyItems is present in the loaded template, and if not the code will not be executed.
        if (t.LoopExists("MyItems"))
            //Create a loop in the template <!--@LoopStart(MyItems)--><!--@LoopEnd(MyItems)-->
            Template t2 = t.GetLoop("MyItems");
            for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                //Render a counter as a template tag inside the loop <!--@MyCounter-->
                t2.SetTag("MyCounter", i);
                //Commit the loop and make ready for the next iteration

        //Render the template html with the parsed template tags and loops.
        return t.Output();


SetTagValue(string, object?)

Sets a tag as its object value for use in Razor templates.

public void SetTagValue(string name, object? value)


name string

The name of the tag.

value object

The value of the tag as an object.


If the template is Razor the value will persist as an object of the passed type and can be used directly in the template. In this way it is possible to pass a full object, i.e. a 'Person', 'Product' or similar to the template engine. If the template being used is HTML or XSLT the passed value is converted to either string, integer, boolean, date, double or decimal.


Sets the view model.

public void SetViewModel(ViewModelBase? viewModel)


viewModel ViewModelBase

The view model.

SetViewParameters(IDictionary<string, object>)

public void SetViewParameters(IDictionary<string, object> parameters)


parameters IDictionary<string, object>


Checks if a tag exists in the loaded template.

public bool TagExists(string name)


name string

The name of tag to check for.



true if the tag is found in the template; otherwise false


Used for optimizing performance. If the value of a tag is expensive to render, there is no need to execute the code if the template is not going to use the data.

TranslateText(string, string)

Translates a text using the current language and design context using a specified default translation if no translation exists.

public string TranslateText(string text, string defaultValue)


text string

The text to translate

defaultValue string

The default translation



The translated text if a translation exists. Otherwise the default translation.

TranslateText(string, string, string)

Translates a text using the current language and design context using a specified default translation if no translation exists.

public string TranslateText(string text, string defaultValue, string cultureName)


text string

The text to translate

defaultValue string

The default translation

cultureName string

Name of the culture, i.e. 'en-gb'.



The translated text if a translation exists. Otherwise the default translation.

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