Quick start guide to installing addins
How to install create a new custom addin and install it
Recommended tools:
- Visual Studio Code
- dotnet CLI
- DynamicWeb templates
Start by created a new dotnet library project, this can be done with the DynamicWeb templates;
dotnet new dw-command --customName MyCommand -p true
cd MyCommand/
code .
This series of commands will create a new project with the dw-command template, it's a barebones project with a single command and with the appropriate references to get you started, then move to the newly created projects folder and open Visual Studio Code in that folder so you can start working on your custom project.
Once you're ready to test your custom addin, it's time to build or pack your project;
dotnet build
Once it's built it needs to be uploaded and installed on the DynamicWeb solution. This can be done either manually by moving the newly built .dll
file to the Local
addin folder as described in the introduction or by using the Dynamic
dw login
And then installing the newly built .dll
file with:
dw install bin/debug/net7.0/MyCommand.dll
Once installed, the addin should appear in the Appstore
as well as in the Files/System/Addins/Installed
Add a build-number to your version so every time you re-install the same addin while developing, up that build-number as the addin files can get locked temporarily. It will only be the newest version of the addin that's used.