Getting Started
An introduction to extensibility in DynamicWeb 10.
One of the key benefits of DynamicWeb is that it provides many ways to customize the platform, which can be organized into two general categories:
- UI extensibility involves creating your own screens in the administration UI
- Functional extensibility involves hooking into e.g. system events and extending or changing how the system works without changing the UI
Here are the most commonly used functional extensibility points:
- Notification Subscribers allow you to hook up to events/notifications and execute custom code
- Providers and Configurable Add-Ins are used to create new integrations, to e.g. custom payment processors or shipping services
- Services & Middleware are used for adding services into the ASP.NET Core services (dependency injection) and adding application wide middleware
- ViewModels may be extended with custom properties to add non-standard information to your template contexts
Setting up developer environment
To be able to develop custom extensions to DynamicWeb, you need to have a working DynamicWeb solution running on your local computer. To make that happen follow one of our install guides:
After following an install guide, you'll have a DynamicWeb 10 installed locally, which can be used when implementing your custom extensions.
Adding a project
Now the next step will be to create your extensions. It's recommended that you create separate projects for your customizations, because it will make it easier to deploy to other environments at a later stage.
First install the C# Dev Kit extension and Sign in with Microsoft to use it.
Have some patience while VSC loads all the DW10 references. It may take a while, so go get a warm beverage.
Open a terminal - make sure you're not in the 'Example DW10'-project folder but one level out in the solution-folder - and create a class library:
dotnet new classlib -o Extensibility
This will create a class library project with an empty Class1.cs class y
In the terminal navigate to the new class library project and add references to the relevant dlls:
cd Extensibility dotnet add package Dynamicweb.Core
You should only add the references that make sense, e.g. Dynamicweb, Dynamicweb.Core, Dynamicweb.Ecommerce, or the UI-packages, depending on what you're setting out to do.
In the same terminal, you should add a reference from your Extensibility-project to your 'Example DW10'-project. This is to ensure that you custom addin is loaded when the projects starts, so you don't need to do anything else to install the addins.
cd.. cd Example DW10 dotnet add reference ../Extensibility/Extensibility.csproj
Finally, you should add the Extensibility-project to the solution - this is to provide IntelliSense in the project:
cd.. dotnet sln add .\Extensibility\
You now have everything set up to build your own extensions.
Building your first extension
To build your extension, you first need to figure out what you want to achieve, and which extensibility points you can use to get that done. Each of the different extensibility points is a bit different and requires you to inherit from a different base class, but apart from that the development process will be very similar.
In this example we will create a simple Notification subscriber, which triggers every time before a log event is saved. In the notification subscriber, we want to check if the severity of the log event matches a minimum log level defined in a GlobalSetting, and if the log event is below that level it will not be saved.
First create a new
file in the Extensions-project:cd Extensions new-item MinimumLogEventLevelSubscriber.cs
Then implement the notification subscriber - in this article about Notification subscribers, you can see that:
A notification subscriber should inherit from the base class
It will be decorated with the attribute
, which indicates which notification it will react to, in this specific scenarioDynamicweb.Logging.Notifications.LogEventBeforeSave
The actual functionality will then be put inside the OnNotify-method:
using System; using Dynamicweb.Extensibility.Notifications; using Dynamicweb.Logging; namespace Extensibility { [Subscribe(Dynamicweb.Logging.Notifications.LoggingNotification.LogEventBeforeSave)] public class MinimumLogEventLevelSubscriber : NotificationSubscriber { public override void OnNotify(string notification, NotificationArgs args) { //Cast the provided args into the notification specific arguments, so we can access the properties var logArgs = args as Dynamicweb.Logging.Notifications.LoggingNotification.LogEventNotificationArgs; if(logArgs is null) return; //Get the minimum log level from GlobalSettings var minimumLogLevelValue = Dynamicweb.Configuration.SystemConfiguration.Instance.GetValue("/Globalsettings/System/Logging/MinimumLogLevel"); if(!Enum.TryParse<LogLevel>(minimumLogLevelValue, out LogLevel minimumLogLevel)) return; //Compare the log event level with the minimum log level if(logArgs.Event.Level < minimumLogLevel) { //Do not save the LogEvent } } } }
When you want to test your custom extensibility locally, you can do it quite simple by navigating to your 'Example DW10' project, and running it
cd 'Example DW10'
dotnet run dev
Now your application should starting building, and the solution will eventually start in the browser, and then you will be able to test and debug your custom extensions.
When your extension is finished the next step will be to move it to Test, Staging or Live sites. DynamicWeb offers a few different ways to achieve this - each having it's own benefits.
The DynamicWeb CLI is our own command line interface, which can be used to move a .dll
or a .nupkg
file from your local computer into another DynamicWeb solution e.g. Test or Staging.
To be able to use the CLI to install your extension, it requires that you have a running DynamicWeb solution, and that you have the username and password of a user, which has access to the solution.
To install an extension using the CLI follow these simple steps:
Install the CLI:
npm i @dynamicweb/cli -g
Set up an environment, typically either test, staging or production:
dw env
This will ask you for the required information about the environment, where you want to deploy your extension to.
Enter the credentials of a user registered on the environment:
dw login
Enter the username and password of the user, you want to use. NB this user should already exist on the environment.
Finally, install your extension:
dw install ./bin/Debug/net8.0/Extensions.dll
The CLI has more functionalities available, and you can read more details about it here here.
Another method of distributing your extension is via the AppStore. This is especially useful if the extension is reuseable and can be used across many different solutions.
To make the extension show up in the DynamicWeb AppStore, you should publish it to and make sure it has the following property set:
Read a full guide to how to create an AppStore-app and publish it here.
If you're working with other people on a more involved project where it's important to keep the main branch in a releasable state at all times you should consider setting up CI/CD - continuous integration/continuous deployment. Using such a setup, changes are continually integrated and deployed to an environment where they can be tested and approved or rejected.
CI/CD is a lot more complicated than the previous options, as there are many different aspects to consider such as your CI/CD framework, the development processes being used during development, and so on.
We have made an example on how we recommend a CI/CD setup to look like here.