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Completeness is a calculated value for how 'complete' a product is in a given context - e.g. a query or a channel. Is it therefore used to give a visualization of the 'content state' for a particular purpose, here products in a Spices shop group: Completeness

Completeness can be calculated for:

  • Data models & data sets
  • Queries
  • Shops
  • Channels

On each of these you can select a number of completion rules and languages. CompletenessSelection When an editor works in this context, a completeness percentage is calculated based on how many of the product attributes included in the selected rules are filled out across the selected languages. You can click a completeness percentage to see exactly which fields are filled out and which are missing: CompletenessDetailsView

One common use for completeness is to include it in workflows so that products automatically move from one query to the next based on the completeness percentage for the previous step. This is sometimes known as automatic workflows

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