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Payment methods

The Payment node allows you to create and manage payment methods for a solution. These payment methods will then be available for selection in frontend when the user progresses through the checkout process using a shopping cart app.

To see the list of existing payment methods on the solution, go to Settings > Commerce > Order Management > Payment. On the test solution used for this documentation these are the payment providers: PaymentMethods For each payment method you can see:

  • The name
  • The active-state
  • The payment provider used, if any - this is an add-in which connects to an external payment provider like QuickPay
  • The countries where it is available

You can click each list item to view more details about how the payment method is set up.

The current available payment providers in DW10 can be found in the table below.

Provide Coverage SSL Required Supports saved cards
AdyenCheckout Global no yes
CyberSource Global yes yes
DIBS/Nets Easy checkout Primarily Europe no yes
Klarna Checkout v3 Global no yes
PayPal Express Checkout Global no yes
QuickPay Payment Window Primarily Europe no yes
Stripe checkout Global yes (in production mode) yes

For a more detailed guide on how to implement a payment provider check out the developer documentation on payment providers.

PCI Compliance

DynamicWeb does not collect information which necessitates PCI compliance. While some payment providers can save credit card information, DynamicWeb purposefully only stores tokens, payment IDs, or other identifiers which do not contain credit card information. As such, only the payment service you integrate with need to be PCI compliant.

Furthermore, while some responses from payment gateways contain e.g. the last four digits of a credit card, saving this information does not mandate PCI compliance from either the software or hosting environment.

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