Color Schemes
The Color Schemes tool enables you to create color schemes to use across a website. To use Color Schemes you define a Color Schemes Group in which you create Colors. The Color Scheme Group is then defined on the website, as explained here, which makes the connected Colors available for pages, rows and paragraphs.
To create a Color Scheme Group:
- Go to Settings > Content > Styles > Color Schemes
- Click New Color Scheme Group
- Provide a Name and ID
- Click Save and Close
From the Color Scheme Group overview you can:
- Edit a group
- Delete a group
- You cannot delete a Color Scheme Group if it is in use on a website
- Select Colors which will show you the colors of the group
Now you must create the actual color(s) that will be used on the website.
To create a color:
- Click New Color from the Color Scheme Group
- Provide a Name and ID
- The colors you can specify are:
- Background color
- Foreground color
- Primary button color
- Secondary button color
- Custom colors
- Click Save and Close
It is possible to create as many colors as needed for a group. To view all colors click on a Color Scheme Group:
When clicking on a color’s context menu you can:
- Edit a color
- Copy a color
- Replace color scheme ID
- Replace color scheme
- Only possible if the color is in use on a website, then you can replace its usage with another color
- Show the color Usages
- See and navigate to exactly where the color is used on a website
- Delete a color
- If the color is in use on a website it is not possible to delete it