Table of Contents

Business Central OData v4 blueprint

The Business Central OData v4 blueprint is a comprehensive collection of integration activities to integrate Business Central entities with your DynamicWeb solution.


The activities in the OData v4 blueprint work by importing and exporting data to and from standard Business Central entities exposed through pages via OData v4 webservices. This means that while the OData v4 blueprint comes with an extensive set of pre-configurations on the DynamicWeb side, such as table - and columns mappings, some minor tasks need to be made on the Business Central side.

In order to expose all of the relevant entities in Business Central, a series of pages must be exposed as OData v4 web services in the Business Central environment. Since the activities rely on predefined mappings between DynamicWeb entities and Business Central exposed tables, it is important that all web services adhere to the naming conventions outlined in the following section.

Exposing Business Central standard entities through pages via OData v4 web services, as opposed to just using the default OData API, may naturally raise the question "Why?".

The short answer is that the Business Central API has some gaps in terms of missing entities and custom fields, and that it is currently not possible to make up for these gaps for instance with custom extensions af the API. Having each page exposed as an OData v4 web service makes up for this by allowing exposure of custom fields.

Another aspect of the OData v4 approach is that it allows DynamicWeb users to configure an ERP integration that requires no logic on the external system. Essentially, the OData v4 blueprint is designed to have the smallest possible footprint on the ERP and require no AL-developer expertise.

So while the V4 blueprint requires some exposure of web services, it offers a more complete range of tables and fields ready to integrate with your DynamicWeb solution.

Business Central v4 entities - imports

The blueprint includes activities for importing the following list of Business Central entities:

Object Name Business Central Object ID Web Service Name
Countries/Regions 10 DynamicwebCountries
Currencies 5 DynamicwebCurrencies
Salesperson/Purchaser card 5116 DynamicwebSalespersonPurchaserCard
Contact Card 5050 DynamicwebContactCard
Customer Card 21 DynamicwebCustomerCard
Contact Alt. Address Card 5056 DynamicwebAltAddressCard
Ship-to Address 300 DynamicwebShipToAddress
Vendor Card 26 DynamicwebVendorCard
Locations 15 DynamicwebLocations
Item Category Card 5733 DynamicwebItemCategoryCard
Item Card 30 DynamicwebItemCard
Item Variants 5401 DynamicwebItemVariants
Units of Measure 209 DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure
Item Units of Measure 5404 DynamicwebItemUnits
Item translations 35 DynamicwebItemTranslations
Unit of Measure Translation 5402 DynamicwebUnitOfMeasureTranslation
Stockkeeping Unit Card 5700 DynamicwebStockKeepingUnitCard
Resources 77 DynamicwebResources
AssemblyBOM 36 AssemblyBOM
Sales Orders 42 DynamicwebSalesOrder
Sales Order Lines 20044 DynamicwebSalesOrderLines
Prices 7002 DynamicwebSalesPrices
Discounts 7004 DynamicwebSalesLineDiscounts
Prices & Discounts (New Pricing Experience) 7016 DynamicwebSalesPriceList

Business Central v4 entities - exports

The template also includes a separate activity group for exporting the following list of entities.

DynamicWeb object Name Business Central Object ID Web Service Name
Countries/Regions 10 DynamicwebCountries
Employees 5116 DynamicwebSalespersonPurchaserCard
Customers 21 DynamicwebCustomerCard
Contacts 5050 DynamicwebContactCard
User addresses 5056 DynamicwebAltAddressCard
Vendors 26 DynamicwebVendorCard
Stock 15 DynamicwebLocations
Items 30 DynamicwebItemCard
Item variants 5401 DynamicwebItemVariants
Units of measure) 209 DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure
Orders 42 DynamicwebSalesOrder
Sales Order Lines 20044 DynamicwebSalesOrderLines
AssemblyBOM 36 AssemblyBOM

Exposing V4 pages in Business Central

To expose a Business Central page as an OData V4 web service open your Business Central web interface and search for the Web Services list.

Web services URLs in BC

To add a Web service to the list follow these steps:

  • Click New
  • Select Page in the Object Type cell
  • Enter the Object ID of the given page (as shown in the table above)
  • Provide a Service Name that exactly matches the service names given in the above table (ie. DynamicwebItemCard, DynamicwebLocations etc.)
  • Check the Published checkbox

Adding the exposed web services as endpoints in DynamicWeb

There are two ways of adding the Business Central web services to an endpoint collection in your DynamicWeb solution.

One way is to add a generic OData v4 API URL in the following format:[TENANT_ID]/[ENVIROMENT_NAME]/ODataV4/Company(['COMPANY_ID'])

The other way is to add separate endpoints for each entity in the same format as the general V4 API followed by a '/' and the specific web service name. While this method implies a more cumbersome manual configuration it does however have the advantage of better testing possibilities within the DynamicWeb endpoint request interface.

The full OData V4 URL of the specific web services can also be copy-pasted from the Web services list in the Business Central web interface.

Web services URLs in BC

The OData provider automatically detects if the selected endpoint is a single - or multi entity endpoint when an activity is run. If the endpoint does not reference a specific entity the provider adds the name of the mapped source table as the entity name in the request URL.


When an integration activity imports from or exports to multiple entities, such as Orders and Orderlines, the predefined endpoint used must be the generic v4 API with no entity specified.

Regardless of how many unique endpoints you wish to work with, the recommended way to organize them is to use a single endpoint collection with an OAuth S2S authentication.

Activities and mappings - imports

The following section gives an overview of the mappings defined in each of the activities included in the blueprint. It also lists the needed manual configurations for each activity.

Import Countries

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebCountries)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebCountries EcomCountries
Code CountryCode2
ISO_Numeric_Code CountryNumber
Constant: "" CountryCultureInfo

Import Currencies

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebCurrencies)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebCurrencies EcomCurrencies
Code CurrencyCode
Description CurrencyName
ExchangeRateAmt CurrencyRate
ISO_Numeric_Code CurrencyPayGatewayCode
Constant: "LANG1" CurrencyLanguageId

Import Salespersons/purchasers

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebSalespersonPurchaserCard) Destination settings: Select Destination group (ie. the user group you wish to import to)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebSalespersonPurchaserCard AccessUser
Code AccessUserExternalId
E_Mail AccessUserEmail
Job_Title AccessUserJobTitle
Name AccessUserName
Phone_No AccessUserPhone
E_Mail AccessUserUserName

Import Contacts

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or DynamicwebContactCard) Destination settings: Select Destination group (ie. the user group you wish to import to)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebContactCard AccessUser
Address AccessUserAddress
Address_2 AccessUserAddress2
City AccessUserCity
Company_Name AccessUserCompany
Country_Region_Code AccessUserCountryCode
Currency_Code AccessUserCurrencyCharacter
E_Mail AccessUserEmail
Fax_No AccessUserFax
IntegrationCustomerNo AccessUserCustomerNumber
Mobile_Phone_No AccessUserMobile
Name AccessUserName
Phone_No AccessUserPhone
Post_Code AccessUserZip
E_Mail AccessUserUserName
No AccessUserExternalId
DynamicwebContactCard AccessUserSecondaryRelation
No AccessUserSecondaryRelationSecondaryUserId
Salesperson_Code AccessUserSecondaryRelationUserId

By default, the Contact import is filtered to import only import contacts of the type Person (conditional on the accessUser table mapping).

Import Customers

The customer import part of the OData v4 blueprint package is split into 4 activities to handle Price and discount groups configured in Business Central. Make sure to run the activities in the order described in the following section.

If your integration setup does not entail user specific prices and discounts, simply running the DynamicWebCustomerCard - 2 activity (Customers, addresses and relations) will suffice.

Manual configuration

Acitivity 1 - Price and discount groups

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebCustomerCard)

Predefined mappings

Conditional: Customer_Price_Group Different from "" (empty)

DynamicwebCustomerCard AccessUserGroup Note
Customer_Price_Group AccessGroupName Prepend: "Price_"

Conditional: Customer_Disc_Group Different from "" (empty)

DynamicwebCustomerCard AccessUserGroup Note
Customer_Price_Group AccessGroupName Prepend: "Disc_"

Activity 2 - Customers, addresses and relations

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebCustomerCard) Destination settings: Select Destination group (ie. the user group you wish to import to)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebCustomerCard AccessUser
Address AccessUserAddress
Address_2 AccessUserAddress2
City AccessUserCity
Country_Region_Code AccessUserCountryCode
Currency_Code AccessUserCurrencyCharacter
E_Mail AccessUserEmail
Fax_No AccessUserFax
MobilePhoneNo AccessUserMobile
Name AccessUserName
No AccessUserCustomerNumber
Phone_No AccessUserPhone
Post_Code AccessUserZip
E_Mail AccessUserUserName
No AccessUserExternalId
DynamicwebCustomerCard AccessUserAddress
Address AccessUserAddressAddress
Constant: "False" AccessUserAddressType
Address_2 AccessUserAddressAddress2
No AccessUserAddressCustomerNumber
No AccessUserAddressUserId
City AccessUserAddressCity
Post_Code AccessUserAddressZip
Phone_No AccessUserAddressPhone
MobilePhoneNo AccessUserAddressCell
Fax_No AccessUserAddressFax
E_Mail AccessUserAddressEmail
Name AccessUserAddressName
Name AccessUserAddressCallName
Country_Region_Code AccessUserAddressCountryCode
Constant: "True" AccessUserAddressIsDefault
DynamicwebCustomerCard AccessUserSecondaryRelation
No AccessUserSecondaryRelationSecondaryUserId
Salesperson_Code AccessUserSecondaryRelationUserId

Activity 3 - Customer price group import

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or DynamicwebCustomerCard)

Predefined mappings

Conditional: Customer_Price_Group different from "" (empty)

DynamicwebCustomerCard AccessUser
Address AccessUserAddress
Address_2 AccessUserAddress2
City AccessUserCity
Country_Region_Code AccessUserCountryCode
Currency_Code AccessUserCurrencyCharacter
E_Mail AccessUserEmail
Fax_No AccessUserFax
MobilePhoneNo AccessUserMobile
Name AccessUserName
No AccessUserCustomerNumber
Phone_No AccessUserPhone
Post_Code AccessUserZip
E_Mail AccessUserUserName
No AccessUserExternalId
Customer_Price_Group AccessUserGroups Prepend: "Price_"

Activity 4 - Customer discount group import

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or DynamicwebCustomerCard)

Predefined mappings

Conditional: Customer_Disc_Group different from "" (empty)

DynamicwebCustomerCard AccessUser
Address AccessUserAddress
Address_2 AccessUserAddress2
City AccessUserCity
Country_Region_Code AccessUserCountryCode
Currency_Code AccessUserCurrencyCharacter
E_Mail AccessUserEmail
Fax_No AccessUserFax
MobilePhoneNo AccessUserMobile
Name AccessUserName
No AccessUserCustomerNumber
Phone_No AccessUserPhone
Post_Code AccessUserZip
E_Mail AccessUserUserName
No AccessUserExternalId
Customer_Price_Group AccessUserGroups Prepend: "Disc_"

Import Contact Alt. Addresses

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebAltAddressCard) Destination settings: Select Destination group (ie. the user group you wish to import to)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebAltAddressCard AccessUserAddress
Address AccessUserAddressAddress
Address_2 AccessUserAddressAddress2
City AccessUserAddressCity
Code AccessUserAddressName
Company_Name AccessUserAddressCompany
Country_Region_Code AccessUserAddressCountryCode
E_Mail AccessUserAddressEmail
Fax_No AccessUserAddressFax
Mobile_Phone_No AccessUserAddressCell
Phone_No AccessUserAddressPhone
Post_Code AccessUserAddressZip
Code AccessUserAddressCallName
Company_Name AccessUserAddressUserId
Constant: "False" AccessUserAddressIsDefault
Code AccessUserAddressExternalId

Import Ship-to Addresses

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebShipToAddress)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebShipToAddress AccessUserAddress
Address AccessUserAddressAddress
Address_2 AccessUserAddressAddress2
City AccessUserAddressCity
Code AccessUserAddressName
Country_Region_Code AccessUserAddressCountryCode
E_Mail AccessUserAddressEmail
Fax_No AccessUserAddressFax
Name AccessUserAddressCompany
Phone_No AccessUserAddressPhone
Post_Code AccessUserAddressZip
Code AccessUserAddressCallName
Customer_No AccessUserAddressUserId
Code AccessUserAddressExternalId

Import Vendors

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebVendorCard)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebVendorCard EcomManufacturers
Address ManufacturerAddress
Address_2 ManufacturerAddress
City ManufacturerCity
Country_Region_Code ManufacturerCountry
E_Mail ManufacturerEmail
Fax_No ManufacturerFax
Home_Page ManufacturerWeb
Name ManufacturerName
No ManufacturerId
Phone_No ManufacturerPhone
Post_Code ManufacturerZipCode

Import Locations

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebLocations) Default language: The stock location languageId is mapped to "LANG1" by default, if this does not match your default language, you should change the Constant value defined in the mappings.

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebLocations EcomStockLocation
Code StockLocationName
Name StockLocationDescription
Constant: "LANG1" StockLocationLanguageId

Import Item Categories

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebItemCategoryCard) Shop: The activity maps the imported item categories to "SHOP1" - if this does match the shop you wish to import categories into, you should manually change the Constant value defined in the Shops column.

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebItemCategoryCard EcomGroups
Code GroupId
Description GroupName
Parent_Category ParentGroups
Constant: "True" GroupNavigationShowInMenu
Constant: "True" GroupNavigationShowInSiteMap
Constant: "True" GroupNavigationClickable
Constant: "True" GroupInheritOrderLineFields
Constant: "True" GroupInheritCategoryFieldsFromParent
Constant: "SHOP1" Shops

Import Items

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebItemCard)

Predefined mappings

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /EcomProducts)

Predefined mappings for DynamicwebItemCard → EcomProducts (Assembly BOM)

DynamicwebItemCard EcomProducts
Base_Unit_of_Measure ProductDefaultUnitId
Description ProductName
Net_Weight ProductWeight
Item_Category_Code PrimaryGroup
Minimum_Order_Quantity ProductPurchaseMinimumQuantity
No ProductNumber
Unit_Cost ProductCost
Unit_Price ProductPrice
Unit_Volume ProductVolume
Vendor_No ProductManufacturerId
Constant: 2 ProductType
No ProductId
Item_Category_Code Groups
No ProductExternalId
Constant: (empty string) ProductVariantId
Constant: (empty string) ProductExternalVariantId
Inventory ProductStock
Blocked (Invert) ProductActive

Predefined mappings for DynamicwebItemCard → EcomProducts (Non-Assembly BOM)

DynamicwebItemCard EcomProducts
Base_Unit_of_Measure ProductDefaultUnitId
Description ProductName
Net_Weight ProductWeight
Item_Category_Code PrimaryGroup
Minimum_Order_Quantity ProductPurchaseMinimumQuantity
No ProductNumber
Unit_Cost ProductCost
Unit_Price ProductPrice
Unit_Volume ProductVolume
Vendor_No ProductManufacturerId
Constant: 0 ProductType
No ProductId
Item_Category_Code Groups
No ProductExternalId
Constant: ProductVariantId
Constant: ProductExternalVariantId
Inventory ProductStock
Blocked (Invert) ProductActive

Import Item Variants

The Item Variant import of the blueprint package includes four separate activities that each handle their part of import. Make sure to run the activities in the order described in the following section.

Activity 1 - Variant groups

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebItemVariants EcomVariantGroups
Item_No VariantGroupId
Constant: "True" VariantGroupFamily
Item_No VariantGroupName
Constant: "ERP Variant" VariantGroupLabel

Activity 2 - Variant options

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebItemVariants EcomVariantOptions
Item_No VariantOptionId
Code VariantOptionId
Item_No VariantOptionGroupId
Code VariantOptionName

Activity 3 - Variant product information

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebItemVariants EcomProducts
Item_No ProductVariantId
Code ProductVariantId
Item_No VariantGroups
Item_No VariantOptions
Code VariantOptions
Item_No ProductNumber
Item_No ProductId
Description ProductName
Item_No ProductExternalId
Code ProductExternalVariantId
Blocked (Invert) ProductActive

Activity 4 - Variant product relations

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebItemVariants EcomVariantOptionsProductRelation
Item_No VariantOptionsProductRelationProductId
Item_No VariantOptionsProductRelationVariantId
Code VariantOptionsProductRelationVariantId

Import Units of Measure

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure EcomUnits
Code UnitId
Code UnitExternalId

Import Item Units of Measure

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebItemUnits)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebItemUnits EcomStockUnit
Code StockUnitId
Height StockUnitHeight
Item_No StockUnitProductId
Length StockUnitDepth
Qty_per_Unit_of_Measure StockUnitQuantity
Weight StockUnitWeight
Width StockUnitWidth
Item_No StockUnitProductNumber
Constant: "" (empty) StockUnitVariantId

Import Item Translations

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebItemTranslations)

Predefined mappings

Table 1 (Non-variants):

| DynamicwebItemTranslations | EcomProducts | | Description | ProductShortDescription | | Item_No | ProductNumber | | Language_Code | ProductLanguageId | | Constant: (empty) | ProductVariantId | | Item_No | ProductExternalId | | Constant: (empty) | ProductExternalVariantId | | Item_No | ProductId |

Table 2 (Variants):

DynamicwebItemTranslations EcomProducts
Description ProductName
Item_No ProductNumber
Language_Code ProductLanguageId
Item_No ProductVariantId
Variant_Code ProductVariantId
Item_No ProductExternalId
Variant_Code ProductExternalVariantId
Item_No ProductId

Import Unit of Measure Translations

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebUnitOfMeasureTranslation)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebUnitOfMeasureTranslation EcomUnitTranslations
Code UnitTranslationUnitId
Description UnitTranslationName
Language_Code UnitTranslationLanguageId

Import Stock

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebStockKeepingUnitCard)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebStockKeepingUnitCard EcomStockUnit
Inventory StockUnitQuantity
Item_No StockUnitProductId
Item_No StockUnitProductNumber
Location_Code StockUnitStockLocationId
Item_No StockUnitVariantId
Variant_Code StockUnitVariantId
Description StockUnitDescription

Import Resources

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebResources)

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebResources EcomProducts
Base_Unit_of_Measure ProductDefaultUnitId
Name ProductName
No ProductNumber
Unit_Cost ProductCost
Unit_Price ProductPrice
Constant: 1 ProductType
No ProductExternalId
No ProductId

Import Assembly BOM

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /AssemblyBOM)
Destination settings: Select Default Language and Shop

Predefined mappings

AssemblyBOM EcomProductItems
Parent_Item_No ProductItemProductId
No ProductItemBomProductId
Description ProductItemName
Quantity_per ProductItemQuantity
Variant_Code ProductItemBomVariantId
Parent_Item_No ProductItemId
No ProductItemId
Variant_Code ProductItemId
Unit_of_Measure_Code ProductBomUnitId

Import Orders

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API).


The Import Orders activity maps data from two distinct entities DynamicwebSalesOrder and DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines. The predefined endpoint must therefore be the generic v4 API with no entity specified.

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /EcomOrders and /EcomOrderLines)

Predefined mappings for DynamicwebSalesOrder → EcomOrders

DynamicwebSalesOrder EcomOrders
Bill_to_Address OrderCustomerAddress
Bill_to_Address_2 OrderCustomerAddress2
Bill_to_City OrderCustomerCity
Bill_to_Country_Region_Code OrderCustomerCountryCode
Bill_to_Post_Code OrderCustomerZip
Currency_Code OrderCurrencyCode
Language_Code OrderLanguageId
No OrderIntegrationOrderId
Order_Date OrderCompletedDate
Sell_to_Address OrderDeliveryAddress
Sell_to_Address_2 OrderDeliveryAddress2
Sell_to_City OrderDeliveryCity
Sell_to_Country_Region_Code OrderDeliveryCountryCode
Sell_to_Customer_No OrderCustomerAccessUserId
Sell_to_Customer_Name OrderDeliveryName
No OrderId
Sell_to_Customer_No OrderCustomerAccessUserExternalId
Sell_to_E_Mail OrderCustomerEmail
Sell_to_Phone_No OrderCustomerPhone
Sell_to_Post_Code OrderDeliveryZip
SellToMobilePhoneNo OrderCustomerCell
Sell_to_Customer_Name OrderCustomerName
Order_Date OrderDate

Predefined mappings for DynamicwebSalesOrder → EcomOrders (With Ship-to-code)

DynamicwebSalesOrder EcomOrders
Bill_to_Address OrderCustomerAddress
Bill_to_Address_2 OrderCustomerAddress2
Bill_to_City OrderCustomerCity
Bill_to_Country_Region_Code OrderCustomerCountryCode
Bill_to_Post_Code OrderCustomerZip
Currency_Code OrderCurrencyCode
Language_Code OrderLanguageId
No OrderIntegrationOrderId
Order_Date OrderCompletedDate
Sell_to_Address OrderDeliveryAddress
Sell_to_Address_2 OrderDeliveryAddress2
Sell_to_City OrderDeliveryCity
Sell_to_Country_Region_Code OrderDeliveryCountryCode
Sell_to_Customer_No OrderCustomerAccessUserId
Ship_to_Code OrderDeliveryAddressExternalId
Sell_to_Customer_Name OrderDeliveryName
No OrderId
Sell_to_Customer_No OrderCustomerAccessUserExternalId
Sell_to_E_Mail OrderCustomerEmail
Sell_to_Phone_No OrderCustomerPhone
Sell_to_Post_Code OrderDeliveryZip
SellToMobilePhoneNo OrderCustomerCell
Sell_to_Customer_Name OrderCustomerName
Order_Date OrderDate

Predefined mappings for DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines → EcomOrders (Payment fee)

DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines EcomOrders
Document_No OrderIntegrationOrderId
Line_Amount OrderPaymentFeeWithoutVAT

Predefined mappings for DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines → EcomOrders (Shipping fee)

DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines EcomOrders
Document_No OrderIntegrationOrderId
Line_Amount OrderShippingFeeWithoutVAT

Predefined mappings for DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines → EcomOrderLines (Tax)

DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines EcomOrderLines
Constant: 4 OrderLineType
Line_Amount OrderLinePriceWithoutVAT
No OrderLineProductNumber
Quantity OrderLineQuantity
Unit_of_Measure OrderLineUnitId
Unit_Price OrderLineUnitPriceWithoutVAT
Variant_Code OrderLineProductVariantId
Document_No OrderIntegrationOrderId
Document_No OrderLineId
Line_No OrderLineId

Predefined mappings for DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines → EcomOrderLines (Fixed price)

DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines EcomOrderLines
Constant: 2 OrderLineType
Document_No OrderIntegrationOrderId
Line_Discount_Amount OrderLineTotalDiscountWithoutVAT
No OrderLineProductNumber
Quantity OrderLineQuantity
Unit_of_Measure OrderLineUnitId
Unit_Price OrderLineUnitPriceWithoutVAT
Variant_Code OrderLineProductVariantId
Document_No OrderLineId
Line_No OrderLineId

Predefined mappings for DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines → EcomOrderLines (Item)

DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines EcomOrderLines
Constant: 0 OrderLineType
Document_No OrderIntegrationOrderId
Line_Discount_Amount OrderLineTotalDiscountWithoutVAT
No OrderLineProductNumber
Quantity OrderLineQuantity
Unit_of_Measure OrderLineUnitId
Unit_Price OrderLineUnitPriceWithoutVAT
Variant_Code OrderLineProductVariantId
Document_No OrderLineId
Line_No OrderLineId

Import Prices (Old price experience)

Activity 1 - All customers

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebSalesPrices)

Conditional: Sales_type equalTo "All Customers"

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebSalesPrices EcomPrices
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
Starting_Date PriceValidFrom
Ending_Date PriceValidTo
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
Price_Includes_VAT PriceIsWithVat
Item_No PriceProductId
Currency_Code PriceCurrency
Sales_Code PriceExternalId

Activity 2 - Customer

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebSalesPrices)

Conditional: Sales_type equalTo "Customer"

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebSalesPrices3 EcomPrices
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
Starting_Date PriceValidFrom
Ending_Date PriceValidTo
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
Price_Includes_VAT PriceIsWithVat
Item_No PriceProductId
Sales_Code PriceUserCustomerNumber
Currency_Code PriceCurrency
Sales_Code PriceExternalId
Sales_Code PriceUserId

Activity 3 - Customer Price Group

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebSalesPrices)

Conditional: Sales_type equalTo "Customer Price Group"

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebSalesPrices3 EcomPrices
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
Starting_Date PriceValidFrom
Ending_Date PriceValidTo
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
Price_Includes_VAT PriceIsWithVat
Item_No PriceProductId
Sales_Code (prepend: "Price_") PriceUserGroupId
Currency_Code PriceCurrency
Sales_Code PriceExternalId

Import Discounts (Old price experience)

Activity 1 - All Customers

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebSalesLineDiscounts)

Conditional: SalesType equalTo "All Customers"

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebSalesLineDiscounts EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
Starting_Date DiscountValidFrom
Ending_Date DiscountValidTo
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
Constant: 2 DiscountType
Constant: 2 DiscountDiscountType
Constant: 2 DiscountProductQuantification
Constant: 1 DiscountApplyToProduct
*Constant: "[some]" DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups
Constant: "DataIntegration import" DiscountDescription
Code DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: "[some][p:"
Variant_Code DiscountProductsAndGroups Append: "]"
Currency_Code DiscountCurrencyCode
Constant: "ERP Import" DiscountExternalId
Code DiscountProductId

Activity 2 - Customer Discount groups

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebSalesLineDiscounts)

Conditional: SalesType equalTo "Customer Disc. Group"

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebSalesLineDiscounts EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
Starting_Date DiscountValidFrom
Ending_Date DiscountValidTo
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
SalesCode DiscountAccessUserGroup Prepend: "Disc_"
Constant: 2 DiscountType
Constant: 2 DiscountDiscountType
Constant: 2 DiscountProductQuantification
Constant: 1 DiscountApplyToProduct
*Constant: "[some]" DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups
Constant: "DataIntegration import" DiscountDescription
Code DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: "[some][p:"
Variant_Code DiscountProductsAndGroups Append: "]"
Currency_Code DiscountCurrencyCode
Constant: "ERP Import" DiscountExternalId
Code DiscountProductId

Activity 3 - Customer

Manual configuration

Source settings: Select Predefined endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebSalesLineDiscounts)

Conditional: SalesType equalTo "Customer"

Predefined mappings

DynamicwebSalesLineDiscounts EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
Starting_Date DiscountValidFrom
Ending_Date DiscountValidTo
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
SalesCode DiscountAccessUser
Constant: 2 DiscountType
Constant: 2 DiscountDiscountType
Constant: 2 DiscountProductQuantification
Constant: 1 DiscountApplyToProduct
*Constant: "[some]" DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups
Constant: "DataIntegration import" DiscountDescription
Code DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: "[some][p:"
Variant_Code DiscountProductsAndGroups Append: "]"
Currency_Code DiscountCurrencyCode
Constant: "ERP Import" DiscountExternalId
Code DiscountProductId
SalesCode DiscountAccessUserCustomerNumber

Import Prices & Discounts (New Pricing Experience)

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebSalesPriceList)

Predefined mappings

The predefined mappings for the Prices & Discounts activity contains a total of 16 table mappings: 8 for prices and 8 for discounts. The table mappings each contain conditionals that filter the source according to the AmountType, StartingDate, and EndingDate. The Business Central data does not contain NULL values in the date fields for records with no dates - instead Price and Discount records are equipped with a default date of 0001-01-01, but as the SQL server used by DynamicWeb does not support dates earlier than the year 1753, the source data is filtered to handle the PriceValidFrom and PriceValidTo fields accordingly.

Table 1 - Price type with valid StartingDates and EndingDates
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomPrices Notes
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
StartingDate PriceValidFrom
EndingDate PriceValidTo
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
CurrencyCode PriceCurrency
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
PriceIncludesVAT PriceIsWithVat
Product_No PriceProductId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
AssignToNo PriceAccessUserGroup
AssignToNo PriceAccessUser Prepend: Price_
AssignToNo PriceExternalId Prepend: Price_
Price_List_Code PriceId
Line_No PriceId
Table 2 - Price and discount type with valid StartingDates and EndingDates
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomPrices Notes
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
StartingDate PriceValidFrom
EndingDate PriceValidTo
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
CurrencyCode PriceCurrency
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
PriceIncludesVAT PriceIsWithVat
Product_No PriceProductId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
AssignToNo PriceAccessUserGroup
AssignToNo PriceAccessUser Prepend: Price_
AssignToNo PriceExternalId Prepend: Price_
Price_List_Code PriceId
Line_No PriceId
Table 3 - Price type with invalid StartingDates and EndingDates
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomPrices Notes
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
CurrencyCode PriceCurrency
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
PriceIncludesVAT PriceIsWithVat
Product_No PriceProductId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
AssignToNo PriceAccessUserGroup
AssignToNo PriceAccessUser Prepend: Price_
AssignToNo PriceExternalId Prepend: Price_
Price_List_Code PriceId
Line_No PriceId
Table 4 - Price and discount type with invalid StartingDates an EndingDates
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomPrices Notes
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
CurrencyCode PriceCurrency
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
PriceIncludesVAT PriceIsWithVat
Product_No PriceProductId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
AssignToNo PriceAccessUserGroup
AssignToNo PriceAccessUser Prepend: Price_
AssignToNo PriceExternalId Prepend: Price_
Price_List_Code PriceId
Line_No PriceId
Table 5 - Price type with valid StartingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomPrices Notes
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
StartingDate PriceValidFrom
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
CurrencyCode PriceCurrency
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
PriceIncludesVAT PriceIsWithVat
Product_No PriceProductId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
AssignToNo PriceAccessUserGroup
AssignToNo PriceAccessUser Prepend: Price_
AssignToNo PriceExternalId Prepend: Price_
Price_List_Code PriceId
Line_No PriceId
Table 6 - Price and discount type with valid StartingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomPrices Notes
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
StartingDate PriceValidFrom
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
CurrencyCode PriceCurrency
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
PriceIncludesVAT PriceIsWithVat
Product_No PriceProductId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
AssignToNo PriceAccessUserGroup
AssignToNo PriceAccessUser Prepend: Price_
AssignToNo PriceExternalId Prepend: Price_
Table 7 - Price type with valid EndingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomPrices Notes
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
EndingDate PriceValidTo
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
CurrencyCode PriceCurrency
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
PriceIncludesVAT PriceIsWithVat
Product_No PriceProductId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
AssignToNo PriceAccessUserGroup Prepend: Price_
AssignToNo PriceAccessUser
AssignToNo PriceExternalId
Price_List_Code PriceId
Line_No PriceId
Table 8 - Price and discount type with valid endingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomPrices Notes
Variant_Code PriceProductVariantId
EndingDate PriceValidTo
Unit_of_Measure_Code PriceUnitId
CurrencyCode PriceCurrency
Minimum_Quantity PriceQuantity
PriceIncludesVAT PriceIsWithVat
Product_No PriceProductId
Unit_Price PriceAmount
AssignToNo PriceAccessUserGroup Prepend: Price_
AssignToNo PriceAccessUser
AssignToNo PriceExternalId
Price_List_Code PriceId
Line_No PriceId
Table 9 - Discount type with valid Starting and EndingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
StartingDate DiscountValidFrom
EndingDate DiscountValidTo
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
Product_No DiscountProductsAndGroups
CurrencyCode DiscountCurrencyCode
Product_No DiscountProductId
DiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountDiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountProductQuantification Constant: 2
DiscountApplyToProduct Constant: 1
DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups Constant: [some]
Description DiscountDescription
AssignToNo DiscountExternalId
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUserGroup Prepend: Disc_
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUser
PriceIncludesVAT DiscountAmountIncludesVat
Description DiscountName
Table 10 - Price & Discount type with valid StartingDate and EndingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
StartingDate DiscountValidFrom
EndingDate DiscountValidTo
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
Product_No DiscountProductsAndGroups
CurrencyCode DiscountCurrencyCode
Product_No DiscountProductId
DiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountDiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountProductQuantification Constant: 2
DiscountApplyToProduct Constant: 1
DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups Constant: [some]
Description DiscountDescription
AssignToNo DiscountExternalId
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUserGroup Prepend: Disc_
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUser
PriceIncludesVAT DiscountAmountIncludesVat
Description DiscountName
Table 11 - Discount type with invalid StartingDate and EndingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
Product_No DiscountProductsAndGroups
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: [some][p:
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: ,
DiscountProductsAndGroups Constant: ]
CurrencyCode DiscountCurrencyCode
Product_No DiscountProductId
DiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountDiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountProductQuantification Constant: 2
DiscountApplyToProduct Constant: 1
DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups Constant: [some]
Description DiscountDescription
AssignToNo DiscountExternalId
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUserGroup Prepend: Disc_
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUser
PriceIncludesVAT DiscountAmountIncludesVat
Description DiscountName
Table 12 - Price & Discount type with invalid StartingDate and EndingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
Product_No DiscountProductsAndGroups
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: [some][p:
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: ,
DiscountProductsAndGroups Constant: ]
CurrencyCode DiscountCurrencyCode
Product_No DiscountProductId
DiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountDiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountProductQuantification Constant: 2
DiscountApplyToProduct Constant: 1
DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups Constant: [some]
Description DiscountDescription
AssignToNo DiscountExternalId
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUserGroup Prepend: Disc_
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUser
PriceIncludesVAT DiscountAmountIncludesVat
Description DiscountName
Table 13 - Discount type with valid StartingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
StartingDate DiscountValidFrom
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
Product_No DiscountProductsAndGroups
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: [some][p:
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: ,
DiscountProductsAndGroups Constant: ]
CurrencyCode DiscountCurrencyCode
Product_No DiscountProductId
DiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountDiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountProductQuantification Constant: 2
DiscountApplyToProduct Constant: 1
DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups Constant: [some]
Description DiscountDescription
AssignToNo DiscountExternalId
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUserGroup Prepend: Disc_
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUser
PriceIncludesVAT DiscountAmountIncludesVat
Description DiscountName
Table 14 - Price & Discount type with valid StartingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
StartingDate DiscountValidFrom
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
Product_No DiscountProductsAndGroups
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: [some][p:
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: ,
DiscountProductsAndGroups Constant: ]
CurrencyCode DiscountCurrencyCode
Product_No DiscountProductId
DiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountDiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountProductQuantification Constant: 2
DiscountApplyToProduct Constant: 1
DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups Constant: [some]
Description DiscountDescription
AssignToNo DiscountExternalId
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUserGroup Prepend: Disc_
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUser
PriceIncludesVAT DiscountAmountIncludesVat
Description DiscountName
Table 15 - Discount type with valid EndingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
EndingDate DiscountValidTo
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
Product_No DiscountProductsAndGroups
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: [some][p:
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: ,
DiscountProductsAndGroups Constant: ]
CurrencyCode DiscountCurrencyCode
Product_No DiscountProductId
DiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountDiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountProductQuantification Constant: 2
DiscountApplyToProduct Constant: 1
DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups Constant: [some]
Description DiscountDescription
AssignToNo DiscountExternalId
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUserGroup Prepend: Disc_
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUser
PriceIncludesVAT DiscountAmountIncludesVat
Description DiscountName
Table 16 - Price & Discount type with valid EndingDate
DynamicwebSalesPriceListLines EcomDiscount Notes
Variant_Code DiscountProductVariantId
EndingDate DiscountValidTo
Line_Discount_Percent DiscountPercentage
Minimum_Quantity DiscountProductQuantity
Product_No DiscountProductsAndGroups
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: [some][p:
DiscountProductsAndGroups Prepend: ,
DiscountProductsAndGroups Constant: ]
CurrencyCode DiscountCurrencyCode
Product_No DiscountProductId
DiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountDiscountType Constant: 2
DiscountProductQuantification Constant: 2
DiscountApplyToProduct Constant: 1
DiscountExcludedProductsAndGroups Constant: [some]
Description DiscountDescription
AssignToNo DiscountExternalId
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUserGroup Prepend: Disc_
AssignToNo DiscountAccessUser
PriceIncludesVAT DiscountAmountIncludesVat
Description DiscountName

Activities and mappings - exports

Export countries

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebCountries)

Predefined mappings

EcomCountries DynamicwebCountries
CountryCode2 Code
CountryNumber ISO_Numeric_Code

Export AccessUsers - Employees

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebSalespersonPuchaserCard)

Predefined mappings

AccessUser DynamicwebSalespersonPuchaserCard
AccessUserExternalId Code
AccessUserEmail E_Mail
AccessUserJobTitle Job_Title
AccessUserName Name
AccessUserPhone Phone_No

Export AccessUsers - Contacts

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebContactCard)

Predefined mappings

AccessUser DynamicwebContactCard
AccessUserAddress Address
AccessUserAddress2 Address_2
AccessUserCity City
AccessUserCompany Company_Name
AccessUserCountryCode Country_Region_Code
AccessUserCurrencyCharacter Currency_Code
AccessUserCustomerNumber IntegrationCustomerNo
AccessUserEmail E_Mail
AccessUserExternalId No
AccessUserFax Fax_No
AccessUserMobile Mobile_Phone_No
AccessUserName Name
AccessUserPhone Phone_No
AccessUserZip Post_Code

Export AccessUsers - customers

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebCustomerCard)

Predefined mappings

AccessUser DynamicwebCustomerCard
AccessUserAddress Address
AccessUserAddress2 Address_2
AccessUserCity City
AccessUserCountryCode Country_Region_Code
AccessUserCurrencyCharacter Currency_Code
AccessUserEmail E_Mail
AccessUserExternalId No
AccessUserFax Fax_No
AccessUserMobile MobilePhoneNo
AccessUserName Name
AccessUserPhone Phone_No
AccessUserZip Post_Code

Export user addresses

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebAltAddressCard)

Predefined mappings

AccessUserAddress DynamicwebAltAddressCard
AccessUserAddressAddress Address
AccessUserAddressAddress2 Address_2
AccessUserAddressCell Mobile_Phone_No
AccessUserAddressCity City
AccessUserAddressCompany Company_Name
AccessUserAddressCountryCode Country_Region_Code
AccessUserAddressEmail E_Mail
AccessUserAddressFax Fax_No
AccessUserAddressName Code
AccessUserAddressPhone Phone_No
AccessUserAddressZip Post_Code

Export vendors

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebVendorCard)

Predefined mappings

EcomManufacturers DynamicwebVendorCard
ManufacturerAddress Address
ManufacturerCity City
ManufacturerCountry Country_Region_Code
ManufacturerEmail E_Mail
ManufacturerFax Fax_No
ManufacturerId No
ManufacturerName Name
ManufacturerPhone Phone_No
ManufacturerWeb Home_Page
ManufacturerZipCode Post_Code

Export item categories

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebItemCategoryCard)

Predefined mappings

EcomGroups DynamicwebItemCategoryCard
GroupId Code
GroupName Description
EcomGroupRelations DynamicwebItemCategoryCard
GroupRelationsGroupId Code
GroupRelationsParentId Parent_Category

Export items

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebItemCard)

Predefined mappings

Table 1 - Product type 0
EcomProducts DynamicwebItemCard
PrimaryGroup Item_Category_Code
ProductActive Blocked
ProductCost Unit_Cost
ProductDefaultUnitId Base_Unit_of_Measure
ProductManufacturerId Vendor_No
ProductName Description
ProductExternalId No
ProductPrice Unit_Price
ProductPurchaseMinimumQuantity Minimum_Order_Quantity
ProductVolume Unit_Volume
ProductWeight Gross_Weight
Table 2 - Product type 2
EcomProducts DynamicwebItemCard
PrimaryGroup Item_Category_Code
ProductActive Blocked
ProductCost Unit_Cost
ProductDefaultUnitId Base_Unit_of_Measure
ProductManufacturerId Vendor_No
ProductName Description
ProductExternalId No
ProductPrice Unit_Price
ProductPurchaseMinimumQuantity Minimum_Order_Quantity
ProductVolume Unit_Volume
ProductWeight Gross_Weight

Export item variants

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebItemVariants)

Predefined mappings

EcomProducts DynamicwebItemVariants Notes
ProductExternalId Item_No
ProductExternalVariantId Code
ProductShortDescription Description

Export Units of measure

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure)

Predefined mappings

EcomUnitTranslations DynamicwebUnitsOfMeasure Notes
UnitTranslationUnitId Code
UnitTranslationName Description

Export item units

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebItemUnits)

Predefined mappings

EcomStockUnit DynamicwebItemUnits Notes
StockUnitDepth Length
StockUnitHeight Height
StockUnitId Code
StockUnitProductId Item_No
StockUnitQuantity Qty_per_Unit_of_Measure
StockUnitWeight Weight
StockUnitWidth Width

Export Unit of measure translations

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebUnitOfMeasureTranslation)

Predefined mappings

EcomUnitTranslations DynamicwebUnitOfMeasureTranslation Notes
UnitTranslationUnitId Code
UnitTranslationLanguageId Language_Code
UnitTranslationName Description

Export Stock

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /DynamicwebStockKeepingUnitCard)

Predefined mappings

EcomStockUnit DynamicwebStockKeepingUnitCard Notes
StockUnitProductId Item_No
StockLocationName Location_Code
ProductName Variant_Code

Export Assembly BOM

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API or /AssemblyBOM)

Predefined mappings

EcomProductItems AssemblyBOM Notes
ProductItemProductId Parent_Item_No
ProductItemBomProductId No
ProductItemBomVariantId Variant_Code
ProductItemName Description
ProductItemQuantity Quantity_per

Export Orders

Manual configuration

Destination settings: Select Destination endpoint (V4 general API)


The Export Orders activity maps data to two distinct entities DynamicwebSalesOrder and DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines. The predefined endpoint must therefore be the generic v4 API with no entity specified.

Predefined mappings

Table 1 - Orders
EcomOrders DynamicwebSalesOrder Notes
OrderCurrencyCode Currency_Code
Constant: "Order" Document_Type
Constant: "Default (Sell-to Address)" ShippingOptions
Constant: "Default (Customer)" BillToOptions
OrderCustomerName Sell_to_Customer_Name
OrderDeliveryAddress Sell_to_Address
OrderDeliveryAddress2 Sell_to_Address_2
OrderDeliveryCity Sell_to_City
OrderDeliveryCountryCode Sell_to_Country_Region_Code
OrderCustomerEmail Sell_to_E_Mail
OrderCustomerPhone Sell_to_Phone_No
OrderDeliveryZip Sell_to_Post_Code
OrderDiscountPercentage Payment_Discount_Percent
OrderId External_Document_No
OrderLanguageId Language_Code
Table 2 - Order lines
EcomOrderLines DynamicwebSalesOrderSalesLines Notes
Constant: "Order" Document_Type
OrderLineAutoId Line_No
Constant: "Item" Type
OrderLineDiscountPercentage Line_Discount_Percent
OrderIntegrationOrderId Document_No
OrderLinePriceVAT Total_VAT_Amount
OrderLinePriceWithoutVAT Line_Amount
OrderLinePriceWithVAT Total_Amount_Incl_VAT
OrderLineProductId No
OrderLineProductName Variant_Code
OrderLineQuantity Quantity
OrderLineTotalDiscountWithoutVAT Line_Discount_Amount
OrderLineUnitId Unit_of_Measure
OrderLineUnitPrice Unit_Price


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