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Payment Providers

How to add payment methods to your solution

A payment method is a way for a customer to pay for a product or a service during checkout. DynamicWeb integrates with a number of payment providers, each of which requires you to have an account with them in order for them to process payments.

You can download add-ins for the payment providers we support from the appstore - no add-ins are available out of the box.

This article will teach you to create and configure payment methods in DynamicWeb 10. After you've created a payment method it will be available for selection during checkout - which is handled by the shopping cart app.

Creating a payment method

To create a payment method:

  1. Go to Settings > Areas > Commerce > Order Management > Payment
  2. Click '+ new payment' in the top right corner and fill in the details
    • Provide a name, set the method to Active
    • Select which countries it should be active for
    • Select a payment provider - or not, if you want to use handle payment manually through invoices
    • If relevant, set up fees
    • If relevant, configure integration fields and other fields

You can read more about the settings on each payment method tab in the following sections.

The General tab contains the following settings:

Setting Used for Notes
Name Set the name of the payment method Also used in frontend
Active Activate/deactivate a payment method
Description Describe the payment method
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