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Customer Center

Let the customer view and interact with commerce-content

The Customer Center app is a paragraph app for implementing a customer center with various self-service options. It has largely been replaced with the various Customer Experience Centers:

We recommend that you implement all new solutions using one or more of these apps instead of this app, as they support ViewModels and are also simpler and faster.

When you add this app to a paragraph it has a lot of settings - they are fundamentally used for two purposes:

  • To define a context from which data is retrieved
  • To define how the data is presented

Context settings

The settings for defining the context from which to retrieve data are:

  • Shop
  • Orders
  • Bought from date


The Shop-settings are used to define which shops and order context data should be retrieved from:

Setting Used for Comments
Show Setting the shop context(s) for the CC
Only render master products Exclude variant products from the CC
Order context Limit the CC to a particular order context
Use image pattern setting from product catalog Showing product images, if images are assigned to products via image categories on the product catalog Please note that Image patterns at the product catalog level are being phased out - and may already be deprecated on your solution


The Orders settings control how the Customer Center retrieves orders.

The options are:

  • Based on User id
  • Based on Customer number
  • Own orders and orders made by he users that current user can impersonate

When showing previous orders you can also insert a search box, so that the user can search for a particular order. If you want to allow the users to search in custom order fields too, check the Search in custom fields checkbox.

Bought from date

The Bought from date settings control the maximum age of orders which appear in the Customer Center. Pick a date – orders placed before that date will not be displayed.

Presentation settings

The settings for defining how data is presented are:

  • Paging
  • Default view
  • Email address
  • Menu texts
  • Links
  • Templates


The paging settings control paging on lists published via the Customer Center. You can specify how many items to display and the text/image used on buttons auto-rendered via tags (but you want to create your own buttons, of course).

Default view

The Default view settings controls which of the Customer Center pages should be shown by default.

Email address

The Customer Center supports sending the details of an order to someone. With the email address setting, you can control which email should be used as the sender email. If no email is specified, ** is used.

The Menu texts settings control the layout of menu tab buttons in the CC. For each of the possible tabs, you can use text, an image, or a combination of text and image. You can then access these in frontend when generating a menu.

The Links settings is used to direct users to a separate page or website instead of opening the tab in question.


The Templates section allows you to select or edit the templates used to render the different areas in the Customer Center:

  • Menu layout is used to render the menu
  • List templates are used to render the CC lists, such as a list of previous orders
  • Details templates are used to render the individual list items, e.g a previous order
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