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Product Catalog for ViewModel

Publish product data to frontend using the speed of ViewModels.

The Product Catalog for ViewModel app is a paragraph app used to publish data to the frontend. It functions much like the regular Product Catalog app but uses ViewModels for added speed and an improved developer experience.

The app’s key functionality is to:

  • Select a subset of products to publish
  • Configure display-related settings, such as the number of products to show before paging
  • Control how the product data is rendered via templates

Overall, the app is used to present a product list of your queried products to a user in the frontend. As a part of this, the app allows you to e.g. specify how many products to show per page...

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... and how the products should be displayed in the list.

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In the left side of the product catalog facets are being shown, where it is possible for the user to filter through the products.

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If you click on a product on the list, you are redirected to a details page also rendered by the app. Here you can display information about the product, e.g. detail pictures, long description, stock information...

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... and other specifications about the product.

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The Product Catalog for ViewModel app also supports feeds and comparison templates.

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