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Dynamic workspaces

Auto-generate dynamic group-like structures for every purpose

Dynamic Workspaces are auto-generated group-like structures which make it possible to approach a product portfolio from many different angles, depending on the needs of the team or the task at hand – e.g.:

  • Products by Type and Brand
  • Products by Season and Colour
  • Products in Shop X by Category and Peripheral
  • Etc.

The general idea is that you select a product attribute or a data model and then a group-like structure is generated based on the value a product has for that attribute or the data model it is associated with, here the Brand is used for the first level, and the second level is based in the Product Category – both are data models.


In this manner, you can create ways to approach the product portfolio from the angles which make sense for each team working on enrichment or for the task at hand. As mentioned, you can base each level in either a product attribute (like ShopID or more likely a custom field) or a data model, or a mix of both. The advantage to basing the workspace on a data model is that you can auto-assign products created here to the linked models, and also inherit completion rules from the data model.

To create a dynamic workspace:

  1. In the products tree, click the + or use the context menu and click Add workspace
  2. Provide a name and select the query which returns the products you want to include in this workspace
  3. Save

Next you want to add levels – open the Edit view for the workspace and:

  1. Click Manage on the levels widget
  2. Click New level
  3. Select a Source type a. Datamodel key b. Product field
  4. Select a Source field and a Sort direction
  5. If the source type is data model you can also: a. Check Assign on create to auto-assign products created inside this structure to the source b. Check Use completeness to make this workspace inherit completeness rules from the source data model

The important thing to understand here is that when you select a source type, whether a data model key or a product field, a list of nodes matching the values for the selected source field is generated. Click on a node to show all products matching the node value, here DSLR Cameras for Product Category and Canon for Brand:


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