Table of Contents

DynamicWeb 10

How to use DynamicWeb 10

DynamicWeb 10 is a flexible Commerce-suite with built-in CMS, Marketing, eCommerce & PIM, as well as a set of powerful standard integrations to e.g. Microsoft Dynamics ERP. It also features a full suite of related tools; user management, asset handling, and insights.


The Insights area contains tools related to analytics, reporting, and system events.


Create and work with CMS content such as pages and paragraphs using built-in or custom building blocks.


Manage digital assets such as documents, audio files, images using our built-in file manager.


Work with registered user accounts, groups, and dynamic segments and queries.


Create, enrich and publish product data to channels and feeds. Define data models & set up dynamic workspace queries.


Handle order management tasks, define assortments, and create discount and other promotions.


Set up email marketing campaigns, create dynamic segments based on user properties, and more.


Set up integrations between the DynamicWeb 10 solution and remote systems such as an ERP system.


Browse our appstore for apps and providers created by us and the community - or update to the latest version of a payment or shipping provider.


Specialized tools, advanced configuration option, and more. This section is usually only used during setup, rarely when a solution is in production.

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