Table of Contents


How to install DynamicWeb 10

The easiest way to install DynamicWeb 10 is to set up a project using our template package.

  1. Open a terminal (e.g. PowerShell) and install the latest version of the templates package:

     dotnet new install Dynamicweb.ProjectTemplates
  2. Navigate somewhere appropriate and create a project folder:

     mkdir DW10Project
  3. Open the project folder and create a new DynamicWeb 10 project:

     cd DW10Project
     dotnet new dw10-suite --name Dynamicweb.Host.Suite

    This will create a custom DynamicWeb 10 project with all the correct dependencies inside a folder named Dynamicweb.Host.Suite. You can omit the name-parameter to create the project in (and name the project after) the current folder, but in this guide we want the extra folder layer for later.

  4. Now you need to build and run the project - you can do this from the terminal:

     cd Dynamicweb.Host.Suite
     dotnet run

    When you run the project from the terminal, you should see a couple of localhost urls in the terminal output once the project has been built and run:

     Now listening on: http://localhost:65360

    Ctrl+click on either of these urls to open the DW10 installer.

  5. The DW10 Installer will help you generate or connect to a database and Files-folder. Once you've completed the installer and applied a license, you've successfully installed DW10.


To update a DynamicWeb 10 project you need to load the latest application. For projects installed using .NET CLI as above, you navigate to the project folder in a terminal and then add the relevant package:

cd Dynamicweb.Host.Suite
dotnet add [project file name] package Dynamicweb.Suite

Customizations are (or should be) placed in the folder Files/System/AddIns and will be picked up by the new application automatically. The DynamicWeb 10 API is compatible within major versions.


If you're updating from DynamicWeb 10.0.x to DynamicWeb 10.1.x you need to change the target framework from .NET 7 to .NET 8 - see more here.

Alternative install methods

There are of course other ways to install and run a DynamicWeb 10 solution:

You can also build the project from your IDE of choice instead of using a terminal, which is outlined in the guides linked above.



If PowerShell cannot find the ProjectTemplates package, you may need to add nuget as the default package source:

  dotnet nuget add source -n

If you encounter the 'Unable to configure HTTPS endpoint'-error when trying to build the solution, it's because you did not install a developer certificate when you installed the .NET SDK.

Follow the instructions in the error message and run:

  dotnet dev-certs https

Then run:

  dotnet dev-certs https --trust
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