Order Management
The Order Management settings node contains a wealth of tools related to, well, order management.
Create and manage payment methods
Create and manage shipping methods
Stock state
Create collections of custom labels for stock levels
Order fields
Order fields are custom fields for extending the default set of system fields related to orders
Order line fields
Order line fields are custom fields for extending the standard set of order line fields
Order flows
An order flow is a set of states through which an order can progress, e.g. *New*, *Goods dispatched*, and *Completed*
Cart flows
A cart flow is a set of states through which a cart can progress, reflecting milestones in a process which is necessary before a cart is converted to an order
Quote flows
Quote flows are flows which guide incoming quotes through a series of quote states before they are converted to an order or rejected by the customer
Order contexts
An order context is a configuration which allows you to set up several shopping carts on the same website,
Track & Trace
Track & Trace scheme is an URL with parameters, which are then filled on each order to create a tracking URL for emails
Address validation
Address validation is the act of ensuring that an address used by a customer is valid, typically to ensure that taxes are calculated correctly for the US market
Validation groups
The Validation groups node allows you to define custom validation rules for groups of fields